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Bullpup SVD?

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I like this - comes up at 410 fps though and can be set to auto.
I seem to remember this is a no no, even if you're planning on fixing it to single shot when it gets here?
Does anyone know if TG can set guns to single prior to shipping?

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A no no for what? Site use, sure it would have to be set to semi. 


For inport? I highly doubt it would ever get checked. In fact, I’ve ordered a full auto gun over 400fps from Taiwangun without issue 

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  On 06/09/2018 at 19:53, sonofsammo said:

I like this - comes up at 410 fps though and can be set to auto.
I seem to remember this is a no no, even if you're planning on fixing it to single shot when it gets here?
Does anyone know if TG can set guns to single prior to shipping?


My home site (and a few others I’ve been too) don’t allow locked AEGs as high FPS snipers , all electrics must be under 350fps wether semi only or auto as well .

id agree with Duff contact TG and see what they say , I’d be very surprised if they won’t do it as they must have a good workshop on site , would think there down-grading a fair few guns for the uk market each mth . 

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I defo don't want to downgrade, as I want to run it as a DMR - site limits around here are between 400 and 500, depending on which site (there's only one site at the bottom end, so I just won't use it there!).
Bugger. Over 1.3J and capable of auto is not legal according to the Policing and Crime Act 2017.
Well that's annoying. 
I shall ask TG if they can lock to semi....



Had anyone seen or used one of these IRL?
If so, what did you think?

Screen Shot 2018-09-07 at 12.58.21.png

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They offer a free downgrade. 




They might be able to lock to Semi too.


What is your site's limit for DMR?





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