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Krytac Trident MK2 CRB full auto on semi

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Ive recently brought a Krytac CRB and I've just fired it for the first time and it seemed to fire on semi perfectly fine then randomly fire on what seemed to be like full auto? 

Can anyone help?

I was using a 15c 11.1 liPo

.25g G&G bbs

Tried a couple of different mags happened in all of them.



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I think they recommend a 9.6v NiMH or a 7.4 LiPO battery, as Huxley says, that may be your issue. Let us know.


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I noticed the other day that my trident II PDW came with a 30k motor and runs about 345fps.


The second hand SPR I bought however is 20k and only 328fps.


Running 7.4 in PDW, not tried an 11.1 yet.



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