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Overpriced clothing

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15 minutes ago, CKinnerley said:

Is it 'much cheaper' all around?  £68 is 76 euros... sorry I don't like the guy either and I don't ever agree with over charging nor would I recommend that brand to anyone because mil surp stuff will be better quality (for 1/4 the price), but 4 euros just is not the end of the world.


The product descriptions are all out lies in basically every respect, but again, that's nothing unique to the Nov web store.



I see your point re: price. Therefore I raise you the second link down the list of googliness. 




£28.99 ubacs vs €37 


£61.99 vs €80 for trousers with knee pads


Or perhaps:




150 zl ubacs

329 zl trousers with knee pads



That was just the first page of our favorite biased search engine. 


It dissapoints me more that his channel is how many people (especially younger players) discover the sport. Seeing how most Airsoft is based on the honour system I would expect more out of the guy.


Genuine question though how good/bad is invader gear? As a player would you reccomend them to other players (like our Austrian schniper friend).

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I'd give it 3/10 in terms of value for money, chances are the knock-offs of the cryes are going to rip somewhere first time you skirmish if you actually do anything other than stand there shooting-short and calling hits you've not scored, "but me and my mate have had them for 2 weeks and they're great!" yeah bully for you sunshine, doesn't prove a damn thing.  Ultra-budget Chinese fabrics and unskilled, low-count stitching work are still not going to hold up in most instances.  As I said already, I don't rate it or like it and always tell people to just buy surplus, especially combat shirts.  If you're not going to get fragged/blown up for realsies the issue UBACS is absolutely brilliant for the price they can be had.

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