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eed advice for gun - Tokyo Marui Scar H or Tokyo Marui 416 Devgru

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Hey guys I made this account just for the purpose of this thread right here ;3

Ok so today I am deciding between either a Tokyo Marui Scar H or a Devgru 416

I like the H as I am a lefty ,but I hear some bad things about the stock breaking.

I also like the Devgru. I dislike the wobble of the M4/416 style stocks. Its just the way they are built.

I think both of these guns are beautiful and if you guys could tell me which is just overall a better built gun that would be awesome. 

Keep in mind you all that Im going to be using this gun in cqb, upcoming milsim games, and even just outdoor walk on gameplay.

So basically I need a versatile work horse. 

And No I do not mind that I will have to get new pouches etc for a scar H I have it sorted already/

Thanks in advance for replies I appreciate it. Hopefully will have swift replies as I anticipate to make my decision and following it up with a purchase soon after

-Livin ;)

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Honestly they both shoot very similarly and are both very solidly built, it just boils down to personal preference on the appearance and feel.

The Scar H obviously takes the 7.62 mags which as a result aren't compatible with any other guns whereas the stanag type mags of the 416 will be should you eventually want to buy a second TM recoil (for example i've got an M4 and a Scar L that share them).


The best thing you can do is try and have a play with each, that will be the key thing that will make your mind up. Both guns have ambidextrous fire selectors though the Scar is the only one with a left handed mag release so as you said that could be a key factor- it's worth noting that I find them quite difficult to press in comparison to the standard side mag release. The Scar sounds better and the cocking handle reciprocating is very satisfying in my mind.


The stocks on the scars as you mentioned can be a bit fragile compared to AR-15 style ones, normally it's the stock catch that breaks rather than the stock itself- if you don't drop the rifle it will probably be ok, my L has been fine since I first had bought it 4-5 years ago, that said I don't use it all that often anymore. The 416 stock will have a little play but they're really pretty good in my opinion and the rattle or play is pretty minimal- I don't have the 416 myself but one of the guys I play with does and it's definitely tighter than my 'A1 recoil's is, the 417 stock is very solid too. Parts may be slightly easier to get for the 416 than the Scar should anything ever go wrong but these days finding bits for either isn't too bad- Eagle6 stock a lot of recoil parts and upgrades if needed.


I think that pretty much sums it all up, either go for the one you like the look and feel of most- you won't be disappointed with either

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That’s the thing lol. I’m in the USA haha.


i has a vfc scar L if that makes it any better


if the tm externals are on par with it. 


Also hear the tm stock is fragile 


How does the tm compare to the vfc? 


I love both the 416 and H and will probably just go off what is nicer quality externally.

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The externals aren't quite as good as a VFC in my opinion but there's not much in it, the TM is still a solid gun

Like I said the stock is the weak point but that's the same for all scars really, unless you're really throwing it around or prone to dropping it you should be alright, it's just something to keep in mind I think.

In overall comparison the TM is definitely the one to have over the VFC- which is a good gun in it's own right, the simulated bolt lock, blowback and recoil are good fun- it's not on the level of a GBBR but enough to make my standard AEGs feel a bit boring in comparison.


The biggest issue I had was once I had one TM recoil, it made me want several more.

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I think the scar is cooler looking. Performance wise they’re pretty much identical. You can replace the stock button and spring which I did in mine and it was solid after that. Only thing I don’t like about TM’s is the plastic they use. If they made them out of nylon fibre like the WE scars they’d be near perfect to me. 

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