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I’ve been looking into a plate carrier and have settled on either of these 2. I like the fact you can buy as a lot for G36 as that’s what i’ll be using and they seem a reasonable price and good quality. 


I can’t decide between the 2 though! Has anyone used both and can give me some feedback? 


Im leaning towards the DCS currently 

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DCS all the way. Had mine for nearly 4 years and absolutely love it. Best rig I’ve ever had. 

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Picked up DCS for a fair price the other week, as much as I like the Strandhogg (and always will) the quality and price ratio on the DCS is good in my opinion.



Used the old RICAS and felt like I was swimming in it, even whilst fitted correctly.😐

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I am a fan of Warrior kit and would choose the DCS as well.


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Thanks for the input chaps! 


The ricas does seem very wide at the shoulder so thinking it’ll be DCS for my money.

Just need to find the money for it now 😏

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