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Tokyo marui pistol choice

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25 minutes ago, Greenmagic said:

Hi everyone a big thanks to you all

I've placed my order

now the hard bit waiting for it to come lol

I went for the


Abbey 144

G&g 0.25 bbs

Imi rotating holster 

Knock down resetting targets and other target's 

And I even picked a little summit else up it was on a good price and a was going to get one later on in the the year the so couldn't resist 

tm vsr 10 g spec with a scope

Me and the boys are going to have a good Easter holidays 


The VSR  is a great bit of kit. 


Loved plinking with my brother's one. 


Good choices Chief. 

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Found my old TM M92f last night, forgot how flipping cool it is!! fits my hand like a glove and looks way cool. Dropping my mags into store today as they all leak :( and taking it to my next game for sure. 

This thread reminded me it was buried somewhere and made me look for it :)

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Mags are fixed and hold gas and I cant bloody wait to use it. I missed that gun :) 

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been about 6 months but I would assume as straight and sweet as before. Wont get a chance till the weekend now but will report back for sure

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Absolute stone cold classic pistol that. I have the TM M92F and M9A1, and the M9A1 is a 10/10 pistol tbqh. 

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