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Need Help choosing my Next EBB.

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Good Evening fellow addicts.


I am in need of your help.

I'm currently researching (without any luck) the best/hardest kicking EBB on the market (not discontinued) 

Any help would be appreciated.

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If you don't want to be daring and go get a real RiF, a GBBR, get any old EBB and just have your mate liberally shake you when you pull the trigger... 

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Forget recoil on an electric gun. It’s backwards anyway. They kick forward away from you.. the exact opposite of recoil. 


If you must, a TM recoil is pretty much your only option. You never see KWA’s and I wouldn’t have one given to me. The only other ebb I’d have is an ICS. There’s literally no kick at all, but it’s a very good gun. 


Buy an MWS and join the master race ;)


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Strongest I've felt so far is the very latest gen AR from KWA, but I'm not sure if that's even out in the US yet.  The GBLS DAS is also good, just mega bucks.


There's also the American Airsoft Factory gun, but I've never handled one.  TM doesn't rattle much, but it's best catered for in terms of availability of the guns and of parts as well as any aftermarket changes you might want to make.

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