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Noob saying Hello.

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Hi all, 


Just joined up to see how the community is and get some advice. I have recently moved to the UK and was airsofting for about six months prior. I was using a friends gun and havent purchased a rifle of my own yet. I was looking to play indoor at the grange in birmingham for the time being. I have read through some of the new player posts and have a general idea of how I want to get back into the airsoft here.

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  • Head Moderator

Welcome :).

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Hello and Welcome! :D
I play at Bravo 1 (Grange Live Gaming) every now and again (Not too sure if you mean this site or The Grange which is further out, but it's also on my list to go play at).
As already said by Steak, say goodbye to your bank balance lol.

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  • Moderators

welcome, enjoy the place, take a read of the various sticky topics and ....fire away :)

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