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Hey Guys, just joined and thought would pen a quick into.


Have been playing Airsoft for about 8 months now and play at least 1 game a week, this is generally a CQB session but when i can also try and play outdoors.


The whole lot started with an Ares Stubby Badger which has been heavily updated, to make it fast and also hit targets at a decent range, i then bought a TM High-capper which has also been upgraded, not as much as the badger but its still impressive in the CQB arena. have recently (last few days) purchased a Modify Mod-24 that was tested last night at the CQB test range and needs some fettlingto get it to the 500FPS that a lot of sites allow Single shot Sniper Rifles.


So there you have it in a quick not shell how this sport can get very very addictive 

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Welcome! :)

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Welcome! FPS limits are just that, limits. I've seen snipers that hover around 400fps perform much better than those grazing the limit.

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21 minutes ago, Arwen said:

Welcome! FPS limits are just that, limits. I've seen snipers that hover around 400fps perform much better than those grazing the limit.

Have got a Well MB-4411 and you can tell the FPS was very low as i was being hit by AEG's where as i couldn't even hit them. 


The Stubby is set for close to the limit to allow distance shots as will the Sniper :) I am not here to hurt  

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  • Head Moderator

Welcome :).

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