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Speed Loader

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Can somebody please recommend one for use with a pistol.


I'm not looking for a top loader - just something to drop bbs into the thick part of the opening showing the spring. I keep dropping some when them loading by hand.


Are they all pretty much the same,or are some better than others?

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The TM pistol loader works well for me.  I do prefer top loading using the included fitting attachment (forgotten its name) much more than centre loading pistol mags.

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I'm going to assume the way you want to load is by holding the spring and bb follower down while loading bbs directly into the mag from the front?
Literally any plunger type will work for that, smaller ones would probably be easier to handle while holding the spring and bb follower down though. I have the TM smoked 110rd speedloader.... with the attachment for top loading (which i prefer doing, although i hold the spring and bb follower down slightly as i'm paranoid about breaking the plunger lol)

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You will want a speedloader no matter which way you are loading. 

There is only really one design as far as I know, for pistol compatible ones.

I have a Tokyo Marui one and found it is far superior to the all white label versions.

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On 01/02/2018 at 5:37 PM, LightningCh said:

I'm going to assume the way you want to load is by holding the spring and bb follower down while loading bbs directly into the mag from the front?
Literally any plunger type will work for that, smaller ones would probably be easier to handle while holding the spring and bb follower down though. I have the TM smoked 110rd speedloader.... with the attachment for top loading (which i prefer doing, although i hold the spring and bb follower down slightly as i'm paranoid about breaking the plunger lol)

Yes, that's right.


Thanks for all the replies. 

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