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Krytac + Fostech origin 12 Shotgun

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Does anyone have any news ragerding the release date on the Krytac/Fostech ORIGIN 12 shotgun?


just came across it now, looks beast AF ;)




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So I got a message from Krytac on Facebook after I saw this as there was no information readily available;


Hello Robert,
The Fostech AEG Shotgun is currently still in the planning phases. We will release more information on that project at SHOT show 2018


So I guess, keep your eyes and ears open and hopefully they will release something good at SHOT show. As this is potentially the first shotgun I actually want. 

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And I just bought a TM KSG-12. I think I might end up getting a third shotgun so long as it doesn't result in nuked batteries like my TM AA-12 lol

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9 hours ago, Robert James said:

So I got a message from Krytac on Facebook after I saw this as there was no information readily available;


Hello Robert,
The Fostech AEG Shotgun is currently still in the planning phases. We will release more information on that project at SHOT show 2018


So I guess, keep your eyes and ears open and hopefully they will release something good at SHOT show. As this is potentially the first shotgun I actually want. 


they're just purely teasing us! 

I bet they all probably have one each to play with it trying to find faults and flaws... I'm already ready to purchase one :D


This too will be my first shotty 

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9 hours ago, rocketdogbert said:

Yep, looks like it has serious potential


definitely a potential buy!

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7 hours ago, Paltala said:

And I just bought a TM KSG-12. I think I might end up getting a third shotgun so long as it doesn't result in nuked batteries like my TM AA-12 lol


LOL I just saw this video, you shotty is a quite a beast. funny video :D



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3 hours ago, Robert James said:

Well its only 14 days away (SHOT show) so not long to wait. 


wish i could be there

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  • 2 weeks later...
20 minutes ago, Robert James said:



WHEN ??????????????????????? :(


Would you ever sacrifice a KWA Kriss Vector for one of these? @rocketdogbert



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It's a love/hate relationship.

You know either love the KWA vector or hate it.

I absolutely love it. I'm sure @rocketdogbert feels the same after the amount of £££ we spent on pimping these bad boys.


But, since I was thinking of buying a third one...I'm sure it's safe to say I'll buy this shotty instead 


This just looks too beastly!

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I’ll buy the shotty if it does what I want it too, fires loads of bb’s at once,  shell ejecting etc, but we’ll see.

i won’t sell a Vector to buy one though

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  • 8 months later...

i've emailed both Krytac and Fostec, both say gun is going ahead but no dates or details. Apparently they are both small companies and have limited time for the new gun hence the delays.

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