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marui shell ejecting gbbr's

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A friend sent me pictures of these this morning, I can't puut them up till this evening as I am on ky phone now.

There is :

M4 standard version.

MP5 sliding stock not SD


AK47 full stock

Scar H


Photos will be up this evening!

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haha did any of you guys see what Scoutthedoggie put up on his FB page? Quote from Scoutthedoggie's FB page: I will be at the Airsoft GI Store in Walnut, CA TODAY!! I may well be in the office talking with staff so if you do not see me when you go in just go up to the counter and tell a member of the staff that you would like to meet me, have a camera with you so you can take some picture if you wish.

I look forward to meeting some of you.

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