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TM Night Warrior Holster

St Clair
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Ive been looking for a good holster for my beloved Night Warrior and cannot seem to find a good retention holster anywhere. Does anyone know where to find one for a reasonable price?

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Can you take the rail off? It would probably fit in any 1911 holster if you could. 


If not, check out the serpa holsters. It may fit with the rail on, but I can't say for certain. 



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With the rail/strike face on, a WAS universal might well work, if not then it'll have to be totally custom kydex, it's not a gun that commonly exists (if at all) in real firearm form.


Take all the junk off and it'll go right in to a detonics/compact 1911 holster.

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Dimensions kinda look close to that of a hi-capa, if they are then there's a good chance you could lightly mod a 1911 serpa, even a cheap clone one would prob do.

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21 minutes ago, k.a said:

Or something like IMI or Cytac 1911 holsters for railed 1911 might fit, got one for sale here ;)  : https://airsoft-forums.uk/index.php?/topic/38371-pistols-holsters-px4-makarov1911-and-beretta/ but do ask others regarding fit etc as I haven't tried or owned a Night warrior but it did fit my Nova kitted Springfield railed champion operator.



Second that, as well as serpa's I've got one, an imi I think, & it was easy to mod for the hi-capa, mainly bit of hot water "stretching" & a small slit for the outward curved finger guard to slot through.

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Oh the Night Warrior, I read Strike first time for some reason.


Most real railed 1911s have a much slimmer rail than the TMs, but look up HW Holsters I think they do something that works for airsoft guns, probably even have options for both light fitted/bare rail.  The WAS universal will work pretty much for sure I'd expect.  Or if you're not using the rail just take it off - problem solved.

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