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The Airsoft Valise

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7 hours ago, lokker said:

That is actually a nice point of view. But if the site has a bomb prop with radiocontroller and fireworks that doesn't sound too bad isn't it? 



Note - I’d minimise the use of fireworks as a word in publicising, and rather stick to pyrotechnics


It does of course depend on who is operating and in what context

eg whether you were to hire yourself out to run the equipment and pyro or if the site owner or organiser ran them 


Fireworks lead to a different kettle of fish on what form of ‘presentation’ it is and are for displays.  Use other than that runs into specific risk assessments and public liability 

There are the obvious professional displays, and the distinction against private commercial fireworks.  Event pyrotechnics in airsoft, Paintball etc come in many forms from the players smoke and bangs, to the same used by the event, and onward to higher explosive level commercial event pyro and even to big flaming petrol explosions 


Even basic consumer pyro can go wrong (we have a photo sequence of one of our guys disappearing in a cloud of smoke due to lax manufacturing processes on a mk9 flashbang- luckily his gloves took the worst of the impact and not his flesh,  so there’s a lot of H&S and risk assessments to consider on the type of pyro and how it’s utilised.

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8 hours ago, lokker said:

That is actually a nice point of view. But if the site has a bomb prop with radiocontroller and fireworks that doesn't sound too bad isn't it? 

Having said my comment in the above post, it is a good thing for a site to have something such as a bomb prop that remotely controls pyro

But the value to the player is limited to what that does to their experience in gameplay


Does it enhance the game? Eg is it valid to the objective

You could have objectives such as plant the bomb, arm the bomb, disarm the bomb without any bomb.  It could be just a box with ‘bomb’ written on it



In fact in one event we had a money case containing dummy money,  reds needed the money for a deal to achieve an objective the blues had to stop the deal. There were lots of gunfights and time was approaching for the deal.

Reds sent a man out with the money case, he was gunned down and the case grabbed by blues.

Blues got cocky and were claiming the point waving the case as I was warning their commander how long they had left to prevent the deal.  Have you checked the money? No, as they open the case to find leaves and a note from reds saying ‘bang’

If they weren’t in the staging and were stood just outside that gate I would have awarded multiple kills and the commander bonus to reds


With just some intitive and a sly sense of humour the reds made an imaginary prop and enhanced the event and everyone’s fun for the day


But pretend props in games we have played planted a seed in our minds for props that function.  There’s more fun to us if we assemble and get to operate special weapons and devices then to look for and carry props that just look the part

But if you’re looking around for something that you never get to experience then it can be boring and frustrating.  

That is for the organisers to work out how to make good use of props and to design a game that gives people a chance to experience them.  Also put in flexibility that you can manipulate the gameplay if necessary (and if appropriate) remembering to balance a teams abilty to get a deserving win against the other teams chance to have some fun playing a game without losing all of the time (to a degree this should be for balancing teams and particularly for the punter occasional player market, regular players need to step up their game and not expect to win without putting in effort)

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17 hours ago, lokker said:

That is actually a nice point of view. But if the site has a bomb prop with radiocontroller and fireworks that doesn't sound too bad isn't it? 


It sounds fine, but until I actually see the thing going off, it's largely moot and wouldn't effect my decision to attend.


Oh, it turns out that Nomad Woodland has just obtained two props:




Thus the point about the market being limited and not free of competition.



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  • 2 months later...

Looks very neat, in my opinion, a little more effort in innovation would make it unique and perfect for private training or Search & Destroy games.


E.g. To "defuse" the bomb you would require to solve a random medium level math equation or such (putting the player under pressure, time is ticking).

If the player could not defuse the bomb in time, the bomb would make a really loud Bang noise and releases a fair bit of  smoke, indicating/imitating an explosion.


GAME OVER - Switch sides


If I was an Event owner, I'd buy one and use them for SEARCH & DESTROY games.

As a player... I wouldn't need it, but maybe recommend the event owners/managers buy it so we can play.


Good Luck



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  • 4 months later...

Here’s a little piece which shows to a degree that people are less willing to put their hand in their pocket and pay



The BBC props department could do with a slap for their effort in the latest episode of Our Girl

Shows may get criticised for not getting the fine details right, but when they are showing closeups of inert explosives and consumer grade  firework remote controls whilst our tech man builds realistic props for people to play games then it’s a pretty sad state of affairs



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