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JG BAR 10 Inconsistency HELP

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I played my first game with my newly upgraded BAR-10 Yesterday and unfortunately it didn't perform how i expected. The problem I had is that it was very inconsistent. each shot was different, it could go to high, way too low, or curve far of to the left or right. there was no predicting where it would shoot and due to this i lost the chance of getting a few good kills. The upgrades that are in my Bar 10 are: 6.02 inner barrel, Mad Bull Hop up bucking, airsoft pro metal hop up arm and an AEG spring giving out 440fps (Dont ask why its an aeg spring) All whilst using 0.32g bb's. Personly i believe it the MAD BULL hop up as the contact area with the bb is very small so if the bb were to move just a little bit it would change the way the bb fly's, BUT i dont know much about internals so this might have nothing to do with it. IF ANYONE KNOWS WHAT THE ISSUE COULD BE PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT, AND IF IT IS THE HOP UP RUBBER COULD SOMEONE SUGGEST A GOOD RUBBER. THANKS

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Maple leaf rubber is good, if you have an unbridged barrel and get a concave nub for it too.

A sniper rifle needs a lot of tinkering. The cheaper parts you have in it, the more tinkering it needs. So after you change things in it, go to a range and test it and set it up properly, meaning spending an hour or two just shooting it. Testing it in game is just not possible, you can't repeat the shots to see if you change just one thing how that affects the shooting.

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I am actually able to test it 300feet+ before hand as i have the room, i just don't know what internal part is causing my inconsistency 

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  • 3 months later...

I have upgraded two vsr/bar 10's and both are now shooting great, first one for me was a big learning curve and their is a lot that can cause the inaccuracy. I found that different / cheaper parts did not work well together and ended up going action army for everything, except the bucking which is Maple Leaf - i used the madbull sniper bucking for a while an it was total rubbish compared to maple leaf


Firstly i would crono the gun and see how consistent the FPS is - if its all over the place then air seal is your problem (check the outer barrel is screwed far enough in so nozzle can seal in the bucking )

if your air seal is good - check you hop arm and shim it - you do not want any movement, also look to stabilise your barrel if shots are going up/down - left or right is could simply be an unstable inner barrel - buy some cheap spacers or make your own.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've also had issues with my BAR-10, mostly double feeding and inconsistent shots - anything from 480fps flying up into the skies, right down to dribbling out the end of the barrel.

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