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Desert DPM owners club

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Fellow sons of the sand!


Just wondering just how many of us are collectors/wearers of the now venerable British Desert DPM?

As it is no longer (and hasn't been for around 6 years now?!) standard issue it is becoming quite the collectors choice I am finding. Sourcing even basics can get tricky, such as trousers in particular.

Anyway, I just thought that we should maybe band together and share our sandy love with inspirational loadouts and oddities that exist, such as the lesser spotted Shotgun dump pouch etc!

See you on the field (cant miss me I wear DDPM!)!



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1 hour ago, battle captain corpus said:

Fellow sons of the sand!


Just wondering just how many of us are collectors/wearers of the now venerable British Desert DPM?

As it is no longer (and hasn't been for around 6 years now?!) standard issue it is becoming quite the collectors choice I am finding. Sourcing even basics can get tricky, such as trousers in particular.

Anyway, I just thought that we should maybe band together and share our sandy love with inspirational loadouts and oddities that exist, such as the lesser spotted Shotgun dump pouch etc!

See you on the field (cant miss me I wear DDPM!)!



I’ve always been fond of my desert trousers ..... often I’ve been pointed out as the odd ball with desert trousers and woodland DPM or a T-shirt up top and how I’ll stand out and be shot out constantly, to which my response is I don’t care and will wear what I’m comfortable in, PS camouflage clothing doesn’t work by making you invisible - you’re still a human being in clothing 


Later in the day it will be pointed out that I was right to have desert bottoms and green top because I vanish in the dry grass, or dry dusty ground and my top half fades into the background bushes etc ....... no, I’m still just comfortable, you aren’t looking at my legs no matter what colour they are and if I’m slowly moving or taking a position then I’m fading from view against anything else that’s moving and distracting your sight 

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1 hour ago, CKinnerley said:

I’d say more ‘less likely to be seen at a car boot sale or army surplus shop’


A true ‘old fashioned army surplus shop’ will either have a warehouse full of old desert pattern kit or won’t be routinely getting any, (there have been recent sightings of fashion clothing / designer wear in desert pattern) 

But there was a lot of it about and stocks disposed, either the official way in bulk through DSA, from people’s attics, or the unofficial back door of the QMs


I have or had a fair bit, most of which will be in a box in the garage, from trousers to smock.

Im not giving up those trousers but can possibly be persuaded on other elements. (No idea what I’ve got still)


You won’t be seeing much new arrivals of desert pattern at car boot sales etc (not only because they are cautious of the attention of the RMPs) but it’s not been issued since 2011


When people leave such as my boss who is de-kitting today many go into the garage or attic and take out the box load of multiple sets and hand it over.  The QM cares about specific items and the individual cares about clearing their chit, there are a couple of things that he found having forgotten about which he wants to keep and as long as the QM crosses off everything on his chit and he doesn’t have to cart around old unwanted kit any more he doesn’t care.


If anyone has a good stock of desert and of corpus isn’t interested then stick it in some dye and eBay it as rare limited edition pre-MTP for extra £







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My local surplus shop has loads of DDPM stuff if you want me to go in there and photograph what they have.


Sure I saw a DDPM plate carrier in there the other week.

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