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Anyone have any experience buying from them. They seem to have great reviews. I'm more concerned about and shipping/import costs. I'm looking to order something for €1000. The place is in France so I shouldn't get hit with any taxes or fees, should I? 





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  • Root Admin

They're good. I've had a couple of things from them.


Also, no import costs because European Union yeknow. Anything you buy within the EU you'll pay their local VAT on and nothing more to import it, same as though you were buying it in the UK. You'll only pay duty on alcohol and cigarettes. Make the most of it while it lasts :)

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A great company, i think they have a great wide variety of HPA stuff which is what i use them for.


They will send your stuff via DPD so its assured it will get there.


They're customer service is also very good, quick and responsive.

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