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  • Mostly Retired Moderators

I don't wish to sound mean... But...


Don't buy that gun. And don't buy from JBBG.

Buy a decent starter gun, one that is recommended by a lot of the UK airsofting community. And also buy it from a reputable airsoft retailer, such as Zero one, Patrolbase etc


The G&G CM16 Raider.



That gun will perform much better than the SRC and shouldn't need much (if anything) doing to it for you to remain competitive in a game. 


@M_P has a guide for airsoft beginners and it's great. Well worth a thorough read:

I've just seen you've posted about the CM16.

Its in stock at Zero one (the link I posted).

Make sure you tick the box to get a free two tone paint job. You'll love it.


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  • Mostly Retired Moderators

No worries, just make sure you search for any questions you have first. They've all been answered many times before by people much wiser than me.


Oh and:




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I can personally vouch for the G&G CM16, I bought one, played my first game a few weeks ago and had an absolute blast.


One, thing, if you can, try to throw a couple of hundred rounds through it before your first game. I experienced the odd moment of misfiring as the brand new hop bedded in. Had to go and chuck about a mags worth down the range and adjust the hop during one of the off game times to get it sorted.

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