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Hello guys introducing myself to the community

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Hi Everyone,


I first played airsoft about 3/4 years ago and really enjoyed it. Now im a few years older i have decided to start playing again and really turn it into a hobby. I also have a passion for creating videos and YouTube. I played my first day for 3 years yesterday at Xsite in High Wycombe, slightly more paintball ish than i remember the other days ive been too, but was still a hell of a lot of fun. Can't wait to get my UKARA License and really start getting into the gear. So far i have bought; Boots, mesh goggles, mesh facemask, gloves and desert dpd camo top and trousers (Desert camo in woodland isnt brilliant i know).


Does anyone have any tips and tricks to starting out in airsoft? What guns to look at first and if anyone has any tips for youtube i.e cameras and how to mount it on the gun etc... would be greatly appreciated.


Money isnt too much of a issue so fire away (excuse the pun)


Thanks guys!

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Use the search function, most of your questions have been answered several times on here. Including first guns/cameras / what to buy first etc.

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welcome, have a read, use the search and all will be answered,,,sometimes :) , oh and before you get stick, its not a license :) 

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hey someone mentioned the high wycombe site to me once, Im a londoner so its pretty close however ive heard its a bit small, what did you think of it? i think eag dorking will be my next venture

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1 hour ago, Jay91 said:

hey someone mentioned the high wycombe site to me once, Im a londoner so its pretty close however ive heard its a bit small, what did you think of it? i think eag dorking will be my next venture


Hey Jay,


Yeah don't get me wrong it was a decent day the team there were pretty cool on the whole but I found it very repetitive as there was pretty much one area and the games felt like paintball... I'd say go once at least just to check it out! 

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  • Head Moderator

Welcome :)

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