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LEO Load out

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It's not that I am against a Military load out, it just doesn't interest me, so does anyone else do a different load?

Specifically, my interest is in an LEO (Law Enforcement Organisation) load out?


I am currently putting together a United States Marshal Service Fugitive Task Force load out (not the paramiiltary/SWAT style S.O.G)

Just wondering if anyone else shares my interest?


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I don't  really follow any group/scene/army/country etc, i try to emulate, I may turn up looking like someone but not intentional, j just wear what I want and what's useful tbh.... but don't let that stop you, its about having fun and enjoying the sport so go for it ;):)

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I started building all sorts of layouts, but quickly realised they were impractical.


Now its more of a PMC/whatever works loadout for me. But I do like seeing different get ups that people have.

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I've been tempted to do a Montreal Police inspired loadout, but I think I lack the flare to do it justice.




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you would have thought....matching caps!  :D:D:D

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