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So I'm liking the look of a Ak had a look though the forums and people say get a CYMA £200 metal/wood not a bad price don't know much about Cyma real sword gets mentions and LCT/ICS 


i would like  one that looks authentic I'm not interested in sights or any thing so don't need tatical rails is the cyma a happy medium ? With out breaking the bank ? Or are there other to be taken into consideration 



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CYMAs are good solid mid price-range guns, depending on which version you get (in my opinion). The steel ones are very nice, the pot metal onces are a little prone to breaking in my experience, and I've never tried the plastic ones. Although it's worth shopping around as the higher priced CYMAs can be around the same as the lower priced LCTs, and the lower priced LCTs are great. 


Personally I'll always recommend LCTs over CYMAs, but depending on where you look they can be very pricey. Fire Support has them for around £250ish, which I'd say is a bargain. Other sites have them £300-£400. My LCT has never skipped a beat (the only gun I've ever had that I can say that about). My CYMA started to rattle itself to pieces and I sold it on after about a year. The CYMA was half the price of the LCT though, and I did get lots of use out of it. It really depends how big your budget is. If you're looking to keep the bank in tact, I'd say a well-maintained CYMA is probably the way forward.

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I owned a dboys one years back, I couldn't really recommend it to be honest, it wasn't sturdy at all and the metal felt like some kind of alloy, a bit tinny. Ive heard better things about the Cyma model,  its only £159.


It's quite a bit cheaper in Taiwan gun, but it says "UK customers import weapons at their own risk", I never like the sound of that.

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If you can afford it, get yourself a gen2 E&L


Insane bits of kit, easily outranges my krytac out the box


Mind you, theyre not cheap

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