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Cyma 517 actually not to bad.

Nicky blue eyes
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Ok I can hear people groaning thinking "why, oh why did you buy one of the cheapest aegs out there." Well the clutch on the car went so my budget got shrunk pretty rapidly. Any who, got this from patrol base about 2 months ago, the guys said internally it was ok, (I've not been brave enough to fiddle with the gear box yet) and the build quality had gone up for cyma and I wasn't disappointed. Got it out the box and it certainly didn't look too plasticky, bonus. The accuracy is ok at about 20-30 meters any further and i cant see the bbs anyway....also its the length of the garden. I,ve skirmished with it 3 times now and not really found any negatives yet, having said that its not in the same league as Tokyo Marui but  its cetainly better than a rental gun. On a side note 2 of the more experianced players was haveing a fondle of my gun and really couldn't tell it wasn't  a G and G. So maybe cyma have upped their game with there M4 s but for around £100   maybe they shouldn't be discarded as a no go for beginners. Of course I will keep this updated if I come across somthing un toward with it, but so far it's going pretty good...... how ever if someone would like to buy me a TM  m4 it would be most welcome.:P

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That's great to hear. I've got my TM M4 so dont need to buy such a gun but it is nice to know that this is a viable option for newer players, especially at just £60 from TG!!

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