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Any one reccomend AA sa80 ra5 a2

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Hello all I found that AA Now produce a l85 with a Daniel defence see link below


that are about £220

much cheaper than buying a Ics then a rail 


My question, is the AA version good quality and how internally sound is it and can the blowback be disabled 


many thanks 


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That's not actually a DD rail, but a B&T style one. AA is a clone of G&G and it's not as bad as people say but no where near the other replicas in terms of quality (and AA's quality control seems to be non-existent as there are plenty of lemons about). Blowback can be disabled as far as I'm aware. 

I can't say whether it's worth the money but those are some of the facts for you! :) 

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On 15/04/2017 at 6:46 PM, MZKaleem said:

That's not actually a DD rail, but a B&T style one.


Never heard of a B&T L85 rail, what are the differences precisely?  The handguard fitted to the gun in the link looks exactly like the ones on the real rifle that have Daniel Defense slapped on them.

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I've had 3 original AA L85s in the past and, although they are not as good as other makes, they do work and are way cheaper than the others.  They are direct clones of G&G L85s, so if you need spares then G&G bits will fit.  The receiver is pressed steel, so they are fairly robust and will take some abuse.  For the price they are asking new I sold an L85 converted to A2 spec for about the same money and that was about 3-4 years old by then.


The one thing that is wrong in the advert is that there is no such thing as an 8.4V Lipo battery.  Lipos are either 7.4V or 11.1V, as the mean cell voltage on a Lipo is 3.7V.  The space within the L85 receiver will take a small Lipo, but I don't think it will take a 9.6V NihM.

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14 hours ago, CKinnerley said:


Never heard of a B&T L85 rail, what are the differences precisely?  The handguard fitted to the gun in the link looks exactly like the ones on the real rifle that have Daniel Defense slapped on them.


Sorry, It's not exactly a B&T but if you look at the top flap, it is not a direct copy of the DD rail, but rather a mix of the both of them, my mistake (was going off of memory). I can't find an image but I've seen pictures on the SA80 group and British group on FB about SFSG trialing it just before the DD started to get used. Here is an image of an airsoft gun with it fitted. 


Sorry to take that off topic but I suppose it's worth mentioning if OP aims to go for a very realistic A2 build, (which, with this gun, would take some work as it's an A1ish model)


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  • 5 months later...

I was going to ask the same question but may aswell post here...


did you or anyone else buy one, what was it like to use? 


I know now it's never going to be an Afghan L85 but not everyone has £1000+ to burn through lol, mentioning no names.

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I've just been researching the L85 too.

(Can't comment on the rail system)


What I found comparing the 3 main contenders: (Didn't look at Ares / Star as parts don't seem as available)

They are all about the same quality externally tho the AA is an L85A1 but G&G & ICS are L85A2

As said the AA is a copy of the well regarded G&G.

The G&G is more complicated internally than the ICS but still reliable and good out of the box. (blowback is mechanical and best disabled which is easy)

Due to the design (precocking) it can suffer from lockups in single fire but a beefier battery apparently helps. (I think the AA would have this issue as well since its the same design)


The ICS is simpler to open up the gearbox and has the quick adjust/replace spring system.


The AA has lower quality internals so I was thinking to get an AA from Gunfire for £144 (Taxes?) or second hand and then swap out the piston(spacer) and gears from AirsoftWorld. 



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Owned my ICS version for many years now, also spent many hours deep in the real thing.  Build quality overall on the ICS is really high for a mid-priced AEG, and the ease of getting to the gearbox is the best I've personally seen in any airsoft weapon.

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11 hours ago, EDcase said:

Waiting on UKARA atm, need 1 more game, otherwise I'd be looking at that ICS

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