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M132 Microgun

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Hey guys, just saw through Evike that Classic Army has a new minigun - the M132 microgun. 4 barreled instead of 6, weighing only 9 pounds, able to be fired from any angle unlike previous miniguns, able to use green gas or HPA, currently at 32 rps with a mod coming out later for 48 RPS, as well as different carry handles and both vehicular and stationary mounting options in the near future, and costing only $700... Is this going to be the start of a new minigun age?





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3 hours ago, springs said:

i would love one but it's finding somewhere in the UK that you could actually use it without any issues


More like players which would consent. I guess even 0.12g BBs would be a problem.


There is a point at which a court/jury can turn around and say "that's so dangerous that we vitiate the victim's consent."


Not the best example but it does illustrate the point.

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