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Mall, Aug 7 and 14

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Hey guys, figured I'd see who is planning to be at The Mall on the 7th or 14th (I will be at both).

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I booked on the 14th, so see you there. Look of a dude in multicam black gear with a Die I4 mask. Can't wait, this will be my 3rd game at the mall so I'll be eligible for UKARA registration.

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I booked on the 14th, so see you there. Look of a dude in multicam black gear with a Die I4 mask. Can't wait, this will be my 3rd game at the mall so I'll be eligible for UKARA registration.

Looks like so far it's just gonna be you, me, and Trigger. I'll be in all Kryptek Highlander gear, maybe with an mp7 (it was too hot last time for some reason), and with at least one pistol, maybe more.

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I've got my brother and a few of his mates joining us as well

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I'm sure it will pass eventually, :)) at the moment if full of airsoft hype, everyday I check for the new Krytac Trident Mk2 if it's available. Most likely end of Sep, beginning of Oct. will hit UK grounds.

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3 years and still going strong here :)

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Im getting bored a bit. Still enjoy playing but not to the same extent.

A mate of mine has just started playing and was so chuffed that he got half a dozen people and it made me realise I just go on autopilot now. I honestly couldn't remember who or how many I got the whole game it was like trying to recall doing the washing up.

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I'm expecting that it will hit me eventually, but I'm at the beginning so I'll have plenty of time trying new stuff which will keep me interested into it.

I belive this boredom comes once you know the site like a glove and you don't actually have skilled opponents. The lack of diversity in games is another factor that fails to keep you entertained.

At how many sites you play Trigger ?

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Played a few skirmish sites but the mall is my regular site, I have mainly played private games at 3 other places in the last 18 months though.

Over familiarity is one factor maybe but on the other hand I enjoy being able to get around easily. Wouldn't say it the quality of players as the mall attracts some very good airsofters and I am not that great myself.


I do get frustrated a lot more lately with the cheats though so thats maybe a factor.

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I have to admit I do find it a lot more easier now that I'm getting familiar with the surroundings and I know from where to expect opponents. You may be right on the players quality part, as you have more experience playing at the mall than I do. But many times I found myself taking a hit and walking back to the re-spawn, just to realize I've been shot in the back by a friendly who couldn't figure it out the way I was facing (e.g. guns pointed towards you - nuke him, back towards you - reconsider your shot (maybe ask color)). You have guts, that some players lack.

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Well, let's get to it. See yall there

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Glad you enjoyed yourself. I did enjoy it, at some points. When I was a personality and was captured by green, it basically turned into 1/2 an hour of sitting around on the balcony. If we were allowed to sneak off I would have. Trigger, I believe you did just that ;) . Also, the yellow team was just too static for my tastes. The one game I joined their side as a part of a pity party turned into me yelling at them to get their rears in gear and move the 30 of them into a room held by 4 greens... Needless to say I switched back to green for the final game. I got a ton of good fights in though, and if even only a little of the video from those comes out ok then I will definitely be making a video from it. Highlight of the day... One of two:


Either it was me hiding in the Bell Tower as a personality as greens took the whole upstairs, getting bored of only being able to get the one or two that wandered by. I decided to leave my little hovel, and after observing the patterns of the 4 players on the balcony, I casually walked over to them, shot the three closest with one shot each, turned, and dual wielded pistols to nail the forth, turned again and leveled my pistols in the face of a 5th who wisely decided to surrender.




It was holding the objective in game 4 (on yellow team), and positioning myself so that the entire green attacking force (20 odd) walked by me, and then going to town, doing a decent imitation of Reaper from Overwatch's Death Blossom as I spun around nailing the super confused greens before they finally got me.


Overall, I'd say I enjoyed it :)

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The rules of the game were if caught you fought for the other team, which I did but I wasn't going to sit around. I didn't sneak off I just went flat out attack and if the people whose side I was on couldn't keep up it was their problem. I am not going to make it easy for them to score a point off me.


Anyway no one even managed to get me for the first half of the game, I was in the basement and everybody down there was useless a couple even ran away instead of attacking, I was having a right old time.

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