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I was dragged into airsoft by some friends just a couple of months ago. I have found that this sport has it's own jargon and language. I am beginning to put together some kit and have all of the clothing that I need (or I had it until some twit threw a pyro at me burning my shirt), a tactical vest, a pistol, a helmet and a dual-band radio.


I must admit that I am enjoying it more than I imagined that I would and found it bloody physically hard at first running around and diving for cover. Since I started, my fitness has improved and having decided that I needed to toughen-up for this, I have managed to lose over 2 stone in weight so this has actually given me a lot of motivation to get fit and active.


My next purchase has to be an assault rifle. The problem is that you ask a dozen people for their advice and get a dozen different recommendations for a weapon.


It's great to be part of this forum,





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Guest PT247

Well done on losing the weight dude.

Check out the sticky threads re choosing your first rifle, loads of advice on them. Main thing is decide what your budget is for just the gun... batteries/mags/etc generally cost similar amounts unless going GBBR.

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Welcome to the Sport/Game/Madhouse buddy. Its good that it's helping you actually feel better in yourself too. For me, the adrenaline is a great stress relief. Running round like an idiot always you forget the past week!


  On 07/06/2016 at 18:48, exterminator said:

My next purchase has to be an assault rifle. The problem is that you ask a dozen people for their advice and get a dozen different recommendations for a weapon.


This is a normal. The problem being most all AEGs (as stock) function the same way. So there's no "best gun", just what's best for you.

Before you buy anything, have a play around with some guns at your site and get a feel for them.

You may find that you love the look of a gun, but to actually use it just doesn't suit.

Definately try before you buy.


Mostly, enjoy it.

We're running round the woods pretending to be soldiers, firing plastic balls at each other with toy guns.

If people take that too seriously there's no hope for the world!!

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Adrenaline is the best part of airsoft for me.


When you are walking through a silent forest and the only sound heard is your own crunching of the twigs and whatnot beneath your feet.


Not knowing where anyone else is, apart from yourself. Completely lost (in my case aha).


Welcome to the forums&airsoft

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Welcome to the sport and the forum. The jargon will come to you naturally. Don't be afraid to ask if you're not sure. I've been playing a couple of years now and still learning new stuff.

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Yes, I can't believe how technical it is. People that have never experienced airsoft think it's just overgrown kids playing with "pop guns" How wrong they are!

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