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New Hertfordshire Airsoft Page

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Hello fellow Hertfordshire airsofters! A nice guy under the name Dominic Hills has recently started (well started being active) Hertfordshire airsoft page. It will include local game dates/prices etc and is going to be an awesome place to gather information, meet people and maybe even swap gear and such. Pictures and videos from the local sites are being posted and im sure upcoming local airsofting news will be abundant. Feel free to give it a like and add to the discussions, as well as suggesting improvements. I am not the creator of this page, just wanted to give it some more light! :)


Link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/205455753140189/265100303842400/?notif_t=group_activity&notif_id=1463911824108073


I'm sure I will see you guys on there if you are not already!


~ Kiwi

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