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Extreme bb Guns

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They seem to have stuff in stock that you don't usually see. I did notice that their prices vary wildly; spring shotguns that retail for around £25 they sell them for £44..


And for a retailer, this put me off a little bit;


"if you want to buy a black airsoft gun you will need a ukara licence OR British Airsoft Club"


UKARA isn't a license and BAC has been dead for a long time.

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Post censorship? (Feel free to pm me why a comment ,that has been here for well over a month ,has been deleted)

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Post censorship? (Feel free to pm me why a comment ,that has been here for well over a month ,has been deleted)


Maybe you'd like to write a review of your experiences? :) But to be fair, no one cared until ... streisand!

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