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Smoke grenades


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EG all the way! EG18's are the best for lots of smoke but are fairly big. The best ones i've found are the burst smoke as they smoke from both ends really quickly. (Problem is getting them)

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  On 16/11/2015 at 20:43, beastmode said:

Need some advice on smoke grenades. what's best to go for? And what make?

As we both know Doug that most sites use enola gaye smokes & thundies. Get either the striker ones or wire pull (the better ones)


I bought a box of 10 for around £18 plus a box of ten thundies for around £20 from socom tactical

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Used EG ones at the weekend in the blue flavour


Very good and no problems with them

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I use Enola Gaye burst grenades with wire pull. Thge burst grenades produce a lot of smoke quickly but they don't last very long so its all about speed rather than waiting for it to produce cover. Every grenade has been perfect, I can't fault them.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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