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Help with bb please


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Hi guys

I have only ever played at The Mall (CQB) and used .20g. Am trying a woodland game and was wondering if I needed to go upto say .25g or just stay on .20g. Only asking as thought it might be better cos of the wind and foliage etc but any feedback on what you guys use would be very helpful

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I'd stick with .20's and see how you go.....


your gun is at 330 not 350 for Mall

if shooting mainly in woods the wind won't be as bad unless you have more open battles

(wood/trees will shelter some of the breeze factors unless you play in stronger breezes)

my own site has an area which is completely open field on about 40% of "village" area

so long shots may suffer a bit more deviation from wind etc.....


learn ya gun's range and wisely choose when to open fire


see how you go with .20's first, but if not then try .25's if your losing range perhaps


I have used some .25's but jnr still sticks on .20's

I need as much help as I can get but that sod was still kicking my ar$e from afar on .20's

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Thanks m8 for the advice, just wasn't sure if I needed to go up a bit cos of being outdoors but thanks for your input much apprieciated

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I would suggest switching to .25's. The extra reach it will give you for very little extra cash is worth it. I only ever use .2s for chronoing. Above .25's bb's start going up in price so I leave anything heavier for the snipers.

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yes its my ICS M4 and yep gonna try .25's but also carry 20's as well :)

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you can try/buy a pack at halftime


just don't switch midgame - I tried a bag of .28's and spent too much time

pi$$balling about adjusting my hop and was taken out very very quickly

so lesson learnt - don't try and switch thinking it will only take a sec


soz to my team - I was exceptionally crap that afternoon

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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