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Patrol Base.....


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Apart from their brilliant online service has anyone experienced their airsoft set up?

I'm soon to loose my Sunday's through work so I need a week night option, I live in durham so anywhere will be a hike... What's it like ?

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Yeah I'm a member and it's my regular site

Can't compare it to any other cqb places, I'd say it's pretty good though - just really small and it's a dedicated arena rather than an old building which would be better

Looks like it will take a while to get here but as far as I know it's the only place to do weekdays so not much choice unfortunately


Worth a shot coming down at some point and seeing what you think

Safe zone facilities and marshalling are good

If it's still the same offer as it used to be (I'm member number 15 so joined right from the start) then membership is a pretty good deal as you get Patrol Base voucher and training session

Plus it's half price when you renew


Hope this was useful mate and if there's owt else to know I can probably help out, but tbh don't get to play airsoft as much as like and moving soon so will be less convenient to go there as well.

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Membership is now £30 for everyone - we can't get the pistol sessions anymore :( still get the PB voucher though! + cheaper playing rates, although those numbers escape me.


The arena is generally rated quite highly, the games played aren't like most airsoft games, much faster paced 10-15 mins tops. it's clean, tidy and not dangerous.

If you're making the trek down, it's well worth doing a thursday evening, late night store opening about 5 mins from the mill at Patrol Base, so you can do birds with 1 stone (or 2 hour drive, whatever)

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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