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New guy from Bedford

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Hey i'm from Bedford and new to airsoft.


I have a couple of questions if people can spare the time to answer, much appreciated!


Firstly im finding it very hard to find an event within a decent driving distance where i can play airsoft maybe once a week/fortnight, just wondering if this sport is a monthly event only. From Bedford and dont want to drive a crazy distance just want a site nearby where i can attend regularly.


Secondly if i make this a permanent hobby i will invest in a sniper and was just wondering whether you can use a sniper in CQB, of course the fps would be the limit of CQB fps for the event. My main concern is does it matter what gun you have as long as your FPS fits the rules.


If you have recommendations on snipers, i dont mind if they are heavy ect (prefer heavy one tbh, you can feel the value :D). Budget is £200 excluding scope + bi-pod and so on. Sniper FPS 400-450.


Sorry with all the questions but just want to be informed before i make some decisions.



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Mad Dog Airsoft.


Do you mean be a sniper or run a sniper rifle ?


Sniping is a way of fighting. You can snipe with any rifle. In CQB and assuming there is cover, you can snipe with a normal weapon.


However, if you want to run a high velocity sniper rifle, then it is highly unlikely it will meet the criteria of any CQB site.

This means playing a woodland site and there are usually minimum engagement distances.


£200 will buy a cheap springer sniper but only just.


Many new airsoft players make the mistake of choosing a sniper rifle as their first rifle. Its a mistake because many regret their decision when they have played a few games.


My advice would be to rent, play some games and then re-assess.

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Depends how far you want to drive, RIFT Com 3 is just over an hour from Bedford, it's a good site and the marshals and players are sound. I'd echo what Baz said, play some games to get an idea of what you might like. Ask players about their kit as Airsofters love talking about it and may even let you try it out.

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Yeah i would like to run a sniper. I dont mind the waiting game, just love the bolt action and how you have to be precise, but will definitely play some games and ask about before i do purchase.


Rift Com 3 is looking pretty good.


Mad Dog Airsoft is in Brampton, 4 hours from me. I want to find a site i can attend regularly.


Can you run a low velocity sniper and still play CQB, or is there a way to reduce your guns velocity for certain games?


Cheers for the help!!

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Yeah i would like to run a sniper. I dont mind the waiting game, just love the bolt action and how you have to be precise, but will definitely play some games and ask about before i do purchase.


Rift Com 3 is looking pretty good.


Mad Dog Airsoft is in Brampton, 4 hours from me. I want to find a site i can attend regularly.


Can you run a low velocity sniper and still play CQB, or is there a way to reduce your guns velocity for certain games?


Cheers for the help!!


With MEDs (minimum engagment distances) you will need a second weapon if you run a sniper weapon with above 1j 0.2g power (328-350 fps). If you pick the right second weapon you wont need to use the sniper weapon in CQB.


The point is, you will need two guns if you play sniper, make the right choice and you wont need to faff around converting a BASR between games.



(the 350 is the general maximum variance tolerance some sites allow with 1 joule weapons)

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OK sniper and Pistol.


Do you guys have sniper and pistol recommendations. I want to stay away from gas, spring loaded sniper and probably electric pistol for a decent rate of fire.

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OK sniper and Pistol.


Do you guys have sniper and pistol recommendations. I want to stay away from gas, spring loaded sniper and probably electric pistol for a decent rate of fire.


How many games of airsoft have you played? Don't make the mistake people make when they over research "your gun" before you are even close to eligible to purchase.

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Sorry I must have made a mistake. I was in a bit of a hurry.


Actually Special Ops is the nearest to you, at Milton Keynes.



Mad Dog Airsoft is in Brampton, 4 hours from me. I want to find a site i can attend regularly.


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I played airsoft 2 years ago maybe 4/5 games. I kinda remember the experience but back then think i was to young to appreciate the tactical side, run and gun was my motto :D.


Ahh Milton Keynes that's a nice distance, and i can attend regularly thanks, Bazz JJ.


I think i have done a bit to much research... I'll wait a until I play some Games before looking into guns.


Thanks for the help!

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Its an easy loop to fall into. You book your first game and then start surfing guns and kit while youre waiting and enthused.

Most of us have done it. The trick is not to extract credit card before you get your UKARA lol


My first rifle was a sniper bolt rifle. Still use it sometimes but wish I had waited for a RIF version rather than a two tone that I then had to camo.

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