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Newbee from Cheltenham +1


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Hi all


Me and my bro want to start fun with BB guns and games. We have some experience with paintball and my younger bro with BB guns but at this moment we didn't play since ages. We have no stuff at all but we have a interest, need and we are more than eager to buy some. But we need some guidance. We live in Cheltenham. W have no UKARA licence as well so we need some site to help us to get a license. We need some help with gear like what to buy to not regret etc. I'm 35 and my bro is 20. We need some ppl to play with as well. We are not UK citizens yet but i live here for more than 8 years. We came from Poland and as some ppl know we (or our grand dads) have some guerrilla thing in our blood :P

So if anyone here can point us or give a few advises we are more than happy to start.

Thanks in advance for any kind of help


Seb alias PandaMan


Apologize for my english but i know polish and what is your superpower?

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Welcome to the group.


One thing I find with airsofting is that you are just another player.


Nobody cares where you come from.


I play milsim and we had a player come all the way from Germany last game.


Next game, we have a German and a Dane. Ive played with lots of Polish players.


I just think, great, more types of camo. One of my Polish camerades wears some great Russian kit because he likes soviet kit.


Our milsim is set in the forests and it revolves around rebels, saboteurs and guerilla tactics. We love AKs and SVDs and blowing stuff up.


Just find a site near you, rent some kit and play some games. Get stuck in and see if you like it.

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Welcome Pandaman. There's some really good sites local to you. There's a new cqb site in Gloucester called strikeforce. You pay £30 walk on for a Sunday there and £20 to hire a gun until you can get your own gun once you've got Ukara. If you go a bit further down the m5 there's Black ops cribbs, which is an ex army base. And then there's Spartan near Bristol airport which is a Woodland site and my personal favourite.

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Hi Seb,


There are quite a few players in Cheltenham, and Gloucester and, as Beastmode said, there's a great new CQB site in Gloucester, based on the old Morelands match factory on the A38, just near Gloucester Quays outlet shopping center. Definitely worth a look. I'm winding down from playiing, so have a fair bit of kit for sale, so drop me a PM with your e-mail address and I'll let you know what is available. Might be something for you.


Also give Frostbyte a PM on here. He's Greek and lives in Cheltenham and is fairly new to UK airsoft, but has played a lot in Greece previously. We're both going to Strikeforce on 21 June (probably) unless something better comes up.


As to sites, as well as those near Bristol, there is F&O The Asylum and The Outpost, both in Kidderminster and about 40 miles from Cheltenham. The Asylum isn't anywhere near as good as it used to be, as about half the site is now taken over by some pikeys who let their horses shit all over the playing fields, but may be worth a look. The Outpost is probably now better, as it's based in an old nuclear bunker tunnels, almost all underground and either lit poorly or pitch black. Good fun.



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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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