Speedle Posted December 8, 2010 Share Posted December 8, 2010 Hi Guys, Been thinking about Airsoft for some time now and finally decided to get involved and this looks like the ideal place to get some info to get started. So I'm located in Hampshire (Lee on Solent) which is reasonably close to Portsmouth so I've no doubt there may be some locals on here. If anyone could point me in the direction of any info on skirmish sites etc I'd be most grateful I've recently purchased myself an LS M9 Gas Blowback pistol and I'm ummm'ing and arr'ing about rifles etc. My personal preference would be the M4 but if anyone has any objective opinions on good Assault Rifles I'd be happy to hear them I've been paintballing for some time now and been going the tactical route with some of the Real Action Markers having had a full size M4 in the past. Alas the cost of playing and maintaining the rifles is just getting a bit silly so I'm hoping Airsoft will give me a bit more of a cost effective way to scratch my tactical itch Anyway enough ramblings! Ahoy! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bigshep Posted December 8, 2010 Share Posted December 8, 2010 combat south woodland cracking site, and just up the road from Pompey. Guys are really friendly, large site with good mix of terrain, good shop, good mechanics, all in all a good site all round. They also run a close quarters site up on Portsdown hill I think. http://www.combatsouth.co.uk/csw/index.html As for rifles. TBh the internals are main thing, the outside is cosmetic. Have a chat with some people down the site, as to have a look at their guns, ask them where they got them from. Most people will chew you rear off with info on their guns! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Speedle Posted December 8, 2010 Author Share Posted December 8, 2010 fantastic! Cheers Dude this looks ideal, and it's in Wickham which is literally on my doorstep I shall take a trek down there at some point to check out some rifles Thanks! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Supporters Matt! Posted December 8, 2010 Supporters Share Posted December 8, 2010 you may want to ask about the laws around airsoft, specificity the UKARA act Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Speedle Posted December 8, 2010 Author Share Posted December 8, 2010 Will do Matt, Thanks. I've have had a good read through all the info I could find here. I've already got the appropriate application form for the site Shep mentioned so I shall take that with me and have a chat with the guys down there make sure everything is done properly. Randomly the band I'm in is comprised of 3 police officers one of which is ex-armed police so they have already explained the do's and do-not's. Last thing I need is them knocking my door at 4am Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AF-UK Founding Member Deva Posted December 8, 2010 AF-UK Founding Member Share Posted December 8, 2010 Welcome to the forums Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mattswan2512 Posted December 8, 2010 Share Posted December 8, 2010 Welcome speedie i am a reg down at combat south so if ya need any info just let me know. I live in waterlooville so its ideal for me. Also just down the 27 at ringwood in groundzero a massive site and they also have cqb. Some one was a bit naughty selling you the gun you have ais ure not ukara but welcome The two sites i mentioned are very different. Combat south is set games from 30mins to an hour and a half depending on game type and objective where as ground zero is more play all day and carry oit objectives at set times during the day if you get me. Anyhow welcom to the fun world of airsoft. I left paintball for airsoft and it was the best move i made. Friendly cheap and more full on with mill sim Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JerseyRider Posted December 8, 2010 Share Posted December 8, 2010 Welcome Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Supporters Matt! Posted December 8, 2010 Supporters Share Posted December 8, 2010 mattswan2512 said: Some one was a bit naughty selling you the gun you have ais ure not ukara The LS m9's are 2 tone Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Speedle Posted December 9, 2010 Author Share Posted December 9, 2010 mattswan2512 said: Welcome speedie i am a reg down at combat south so if ya need any info just let me know. I live in waterlooville so its ideal for me. Also just down the 27 at ringwood in groundzero a massive site and they also have cqb. Some one was a bit naughty selling you the gun you have ais ure not ukara but welcome The two sites i mentioned are very different. Combat south is set games from 30mins to an hour and a half depending on game type and objective where as ground zero is more play all day and carry oit objectives at set times during the day if you get me. Anyhow welcom to the fun world of airsoft. I left paintball for airsoft and it was the best move i made. Friendly cheap and more full on with mill sim Thanks Matt, I grew up in Waterlooville and only recently moved to Lee so I still consider myself a local down there Thanks for the info. Ringwood certainly sounds like my cup of tea. What sort of face protection would you recommend btw? Matt! said: The LS m9's are 2 tone Indeed it's the clear plastic model, from what I understood I can purchase it in that state but need to be UKARA to change it's appearance to resemble an actual firearm. If I'm wrong do let me know I certainly don't want to be getting myself or anyone else in trouble. Thanks for the warm welcome all Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mattswan2512 Posted December 9, 2010 Share Posted December 9, 2010 Ah sorry i didnt c it was two toned. I personaly dont wear face protection just eye protection in the shape of mesh goggles. I did used to wear safety bolle glasses but they do steam up on cold days were as mesh is reliably clear at all times. The only down side to mesh is that it makes ure surroundings slightly darker and reduces slightly ure periferal vision. I would recommend tho you wear what you feel is best as a auto shot of 5-6 bbs to the face does sting on a chilly day so i wear a balaclava if need be. In terns of rifle i would look at ICS or MAURI thses are the best two all rounders in my view. I have ics and i cant fault it. The only thing i may change is the hop up to mauri. You can get cheaper like jg etc but the internals are not all to good so i would upgrade the box for something more reliable along with piston etc. Just ask the site staff or players for ideas and ull soon get the jist. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Speedle Posted December 9, 2010 Author Share Posted December 9, 2010 awesome, well I shall pay the local sites a visit and see what's what thanks dude Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mattswan2512 Posted December 9, 2010 Share Posted December 9, 2010 Not sure if ure aware but the next good day to go would be next weekend at combat south as its an xmass special so u will meet alot of people as i can guarantee its gunna be a busy 1 and as always the best way to learn is to jump into the deep end lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Speedle Posted December 9, 2010 Author Share Posted December 9, 2010 sounds good to me, luckily I'm free next weekend too Which day is best? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mattswan2512 Posted December 9, 2010 Share Posted December 9, 2010 They only play sundays down their and if you want to go and hire a gun wich are crap i must add id book immediatly but you have to use them until registerd unless you buy two tone. Or you could just use your pistol to keep dowm hire costs. Its a little bit more expensive than usual due to it being an xmass special. So ure options would be 1.book to play and hire gun coming to around 47 quid including hog roast lunch 2.use ure pistol and just turn up wich will be 25 but no lunch normal prices are 20 pound including bbq lunch but because this is going to be a big event the prices are up. Pyro is vheap at around 2.50-3.00 for grenades etc cans +chocky is 50p bbs are 7.00 for 5000 bio degradable. There usualy a 10ner but they are trying to get us to go green lol. Hope all this helps. Matt. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Speedle Posted December 10, 2010 Author Share Posted December 10, 2010 mattswan2512 said: They only play sundays down their and if you want to go and hire a gun wich are crap i must add id book immediatly but you have to use them until registerd unless you buy two tone. Or you could just use your pistol to keep dowm hire costs. Its a little bit more expensive than usual due to it being an xmass special. So ure options would be 1.book to play and hire gun coming to around 47 quid including hog roast lunch 2.use ure pistol and just turn up wich will be 25 but no lunch normal prices are 20 pound including bbq lunch but because this is going to be a big event the prices are up. Pyro is vheap at around 2.50-3.00 for grenades etc cans +chocky is 50p bbs are 7.00 for 5000 bio degradable. There usualy a 10ner but they are trying to get us to go green lol. Hope all this helps. Matt. Cheers for all the info Matt. I'm still waiting on my pistol to arrive, should be here today. Not sure I'll have the day free sunday but I will call the site regardless and get a day booked in soon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
keenananananana Posted January 9, 2011 Share Posted January 9, 2011 Hi mate, i live in fratton in pompey and i play at another site which is IN ports down hill, its called UCAP and its 60 year old tunnel system and we play every wednesday night up there and 1 sunday game a month up there atm aswell because the other site we have we only have for a limited time so we are trying to get the most out of it but its in midhurst so bit of a trek for a new player, for a wednesday evening to rent a gun it will cost you £30 for a gun enough ammo to last you the night and a full face mask and tea and coffee all evening!! and on a sunday it will cost you £45 including gun enough ammo to last you the day, full face mask, lunch and tea an coffee all day! The only problem is that site does not alow 2 tone guns! If you want to know anymore infomation just go onto the website www.ucapairsoft.co.uk Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MiloXC3 Posted January 11, 2011 Share Posted January 11, 2011 www.ucap.co.uk It's in Pourtsmouth and is AMAZING! I love it and go there often. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Speedle Posted January 11, 2011 Author Share Posted January 11, 2011 thanks guys will give it go soon! Been playing at combat south recently and loving it there very friendly people and my new TM g36c has performed faultlessly Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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