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WE P226 BBs roll out of barrel


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I am almost positive I know your issue. First, can you remove the slide, and remove the barrel from the slide. Then, post a pic of the piece that is screwed into the slide, that the gas vents into during firing. If s what I think it is, i will be able to tell from that.

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  On 11/02/2015 at 14:29, SeniorSpaz87 said:

I am almost positive I know your issue. First, can you remove the slide, and remove the barrel from the slide. Then, post a pic of the piece that is screwed into the slide, that the gas vents into during firing. If s what I think it is, i will be able to tell from that.


Is this what you wanted?




  On 11/02/2015 at 15:47, TheGrover said:

Take a photo of the underside of the nozzle, is the loading nub in place?


Here's some pictures of the nozzle






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hmm... the nozzle actually looks OK... That was the issue with my g17; a broken nozzle that cause the bb to catch like yours... but i guess not

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After replacing the hop are you saying that now the nozzle never comes out of the hop unit or it only does it when the slide is racked all the way back? Because its normal for the nozzle to be stuck in there for a reasonable amount of time, so long as it exits as the rack gets to the back its not a problem, indeed holding onto the barrel until the BB has left is better for accuracy.


Like I said before, the hop rubber is what keeps the BB in the barrel on these guns so the BB rolling out is related to that, either the rubber is misaligned or its damaged. Either way getting the hop unit apart and working that out is what you need to do to fix that problem.

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Its worth mentioning that neither of my gbb guns held the bb in the barrel when i draw the bolt/slide, and each shoots perfectly.


My p228 will drop the bb, so i just point it down as i rack the slide, keeping the bb in place. Does that work in your pistol and will it cycle correctly?


In my G5, the stock hop rubber would hold onto the bb, but wouldnt lift a 0.25, and when i swapped the bucking and nub to fix the hop performance, the bbs now roll into the mag well when i draw the bolt.


I just thought that was the design? Allowing you to easily clear the chamber without fishing for a cleaning rod.

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Got the WE USA Hop unit and barrell todays and ta da it works! Getting 315fps and the BBs dont fall out anymore. I think the issue was with the old hop rubber, it had lost its shape after I took it all apart to clean.


Note to self never take the hop unit apart lol

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Yep, take everything apart bar that. Glad to see it's working for you now.

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  On 17/02/2015 at 22:02, elrasho said:

Got the WE USA Hop unit and barrell todays and ta da it works! Getting 315fps and the BBs dont fall out anymore. I think the issue was with the old hop rubber, it had lost its shape after I took it all apart to clean.


Note to self never take the hop unit apart lol


Cough Cough I told you so cough cough.


Good to hear its working.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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