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Airsoft Customisation Service


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I'd be very careful about offering such a service if I were you, since that will be regarded as manufacturing a Realistic Imitation Firearm as far as the law is concerned. You make that a business and you'd better be sure you have all bases covered as far as legal protection is concerned. Making a RIF in itself is not illegal providing you have the legitimate reason for doing so, but supplying something like that to someone without them having a legitimate reason for the possession of such a thing, opens both them and you up to potential prosecution, so I'd advise you to at least look at becoming a UKARA trade member if you have not already done so, which would allow you to check any potential customer's UKARA registration number.


I don't wish to stifle your entrpreneurial endeavour, but just be aware of what you are opening yourself up to as far as consequences and the law is concerned. Even the law aside, can you imagine how terrible you would feel if you painted up a gun for someone and then they used it for a crime; not to mention the fact that I suspect some publicity hungry politician would likely have a field day and start trying to stomp airsofting out of existence if that occurred. So please try and keep it as legit as you possibly can by going the UKARA route. You may already have done so, and if that is the case, then you should be at pains to point that out on any potential promotion you indulge in, such as this post. Because you are walking into a legal minefield.

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Not really sure where you spouted all the above from, Chock...

Where were two tones ever mentioned? There's nothing to suggest two tones are getting painted.

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Not really sure where you spouted all the above from, Chock...


Where were two tones ever mentioned? There's nothing to suggest two tones are getting painted.


True, but then again, there is nothing to suggest that it is not two-tones being referenced either, which was my point. In fact it does point to that likely being the case, or at the very least possibly being misconstrued as such, since 'black' is listed as one of the options things can be painted, along with the tan and camo options, and if a gun is neither black, nor tan, nor camo, then that doesn't leave a lot of realistic options for the state a gun is presently in. And short of touching up some scratches, which isn't exactly rocket science to do with a can of matt black primer anyway, there is very little reason to pay someone to spray a gun black if it was already black in the first place.


As I said, I'm not wishing to stomp on a business venture, far from it, but I do think it behooves us airsoft enthusiasts to not only be responsible, but to be seen to be responsible, especially when we're talking about something which is specifically mentioned in firearms legislation.


Just noticed that, ironically enough, I made this post at 3:57 :lol:

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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