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More hydro dipping


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Very nice indeed. Have you considered starting up a small business from it? I'd definitely throw some money in it due to my dying desire to get my M14 stock in Multicam or MARPAT.

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Very nice indeed. Have you considered starting up a small business from it? I'd definitely throw some money in it due to my dying desire to get my M14 stock in Multicam or MARPAT.


I suspect that with every airsofter and their dog setting up hydro dipping businesses, that the market is already far to saturated for that to be a viable option :P

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Yeah had given it some thought but will more than likely only be doing it for myself and some mates at my local site.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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