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ICS L85A2 issues


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After getting my first gun, and ICS L85, to its first skirmish, it quickly became apparent that something was wrong. i have two problems with using the gun, one of which i have a temporary fix for, though i dont know how well this sill stand up to a skirmish.


the most frustrating was the gun failing to fire, caused by a break in the curcuit owing to a spring loaded contact, responsible for bridging the electrical components on the upper and lower receiver being stiff, and getting stuck in the upper reciever rather than pressing onto the trigger contacts. I have tried silicone spray and traditional grease to make it move better, but it can still get stuck when assembling the gun. I'm planning to lift the assembly out, dissasemble it, lube it up and reassemble, but I heard that this is a problem with a few guns, so perhaps theres another fix that might be easier.


The second issue came after i got the gun firing... all the BBs i fired went skywards, big time. even with the hop turned all the way off, i was shooting over large hills, and could probably get the BB to lift itself over a two storey building from 10m away. this one turned out to be the hop unit, possibly caused by storing it with the hop turned all the way off. the arm that acts on the adjustment wheel has twisted slightly, so that even when the hop should be turned all the way off, the nub is pushed about 2 mm into the bucking. ive temporarily fixed this by super-gluing a small piece of plastic onto the arm to space the arm level from the wheel, which means that with my hop turned off, a .20g bb lifts just over my sights at 10m, its not ideal, but its skirmishable, and with some .25s i should be able to get them firing straight.


has anyone else had any issues like these? and how did you overcome them?


Thanks guys

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I don't own an ICS etc, but why not take it back. If it has warranty, and you have had serious problems, don't lose sleep (you might not be in the first place) and just take it back. That's what a warranty is for...

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My first suggestion would be to just send it back under warranty, if you get another one then it might not have the same issues and it'll save you having to do anything yourself, so you might as well try that if it's open to you.

As for sorting the issues out yourself, if you mean those spring loaded brass nubs that connect the circuit across the upper and lower receiver, just bend them. If they don't line up with their contacts right then no amount of taking them to bits and lubing them is going to change anything. Just get some pliers and flex them up a bit so that they meet when the gun's together. Their only purpose is to complete the circuit, and they're just bits of metal, so it's not like bending them is going to have any negative effects.

As for the hop sending everything high, I had the same problem with mine when I first got it. Even with hop off it would still send everything skyward ridiculously.

I fixed mine by taking the stock nub out, because it's massive, and making a smaller one using a biro ink tube - take a biro/ball point pen to bits and just fashion a new nub out of the ink tube, make sure you cut it to the right length because you want it to fit the nub space properly otherwise you'll get a lot of left/right deviation.

Alternately you can just buy a new nub, I ended up using a Systema rubber and a Big Out H Nub in the end, the Nubs are moronically expensive for what they are, but I had good results from it.
I also eventually got a metal hop arm, someone listed one for sale on the forums. I don't know where he got it from, it might've been custom made, but that eliminates the flexing issue caused by the wheel only acting on one side of the hop arm.

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I agree with the warranty, but i took the gun apart to swap the rubber early on, so that may have invalidated it.


The nub wasnt the issue, i swapped that out early doors as well with the one that came with the madbull bucking.


How do i take apart the hop unit to change the arm? I might know someone who could make one but i would need to give him something to copy.


Thanks gents

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I agree with the warranty, but i took the gun apart to swap the rubber early on, so that may have invalidated it.


The nub wasnt the issue, i swapped that out early doors as well with the one that came with the madbull bucking.


How do i take apart the hop unit to change the arm? I might know someone who could make one but i would need to give him something to copy.


Thanks gents

Did you not have to take the arm off to change the nub? I don't know how else to do it without it taking hours and being fiddly as hell lol.


Also, the Madbull nubs are still huge, and it was a blue rubber that actually gave me the issue in the first place. Back then I was one of those people who thought, "Oh it's an upgrade, it must make it better" which just isn't always the case.

Maybe try the stock rubber with the Madbull nub, mix and match etc.


It's definitely the size of the nub causing the over hop issue though.

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I tried both nubs, each was as bad. And i didnt find it too hard to get the nub in with a screwdriver, i dont have a clue how to remove the arm :P

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There's a pin that goes through where it pivots

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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