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The best tactical AK74 out there?


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Yeah, it was in another thread, not this one. I bought E&L 104 PMCa model. Got a lemon with bunch of problems. While trying to fix it, something else went wrong, so i sent it back and got a refund after a long time waiting. So now all i have is LCT 70 round mag and 2 point sling :) and in the process of buying new one.

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Yeah, I remember the other thread - i commented on it. I just didn't remember which E&L you bought.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well i got it now. LCT G-03. Really solid gun, big pain to put the battery in and close the cover. Original LCT mag sits in ok, but there is some movement. I didn't fire it yet, i will probably try it today.


It came with folded stock (it is Galil type one) and i just couldn't open it. So my wife comes along (she is not interested in airsoft or guns), grabs the gun, pushes the stock down and it opened with no problem. I think she is a secret russian Spec. Op. member :ph34r:

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  On 30/11/2014 at 17:04, Gargamel said:

Can anyone recommend any good targets for AEGs? Maybe something that collapses when you shoot it and then you can reset it. Or something else, but fun?


This is what i bought at the end. LCT G-03.Very nice and accurate, at least for now.










Or, you could skirmish with it, plenty of targets!

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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