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Total Newbie


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Hey guys, I am new to this activity and want to get into it alot more, i used to play with BB guns in earlier days with family and friends around a campsite etc but I want to take this up as a full hobby. I also enjoy playing these type of games as online multiplayer scenarios on Xbox. From playing online games I am confident enough to be able to take the role of being a sniper, with the occasional hand gun. What i want to know and understand if anyone can enlighten me is what is the difference between actual games with online, do you play scenarios like king of the hill, catch the flag or even free for all mode. Also interested in experience from other players as well as equipment and gear. From doing extensive research i can say i have an understanding of sites and cost, but still unsure on exactly what the UKARA membership is and exactly what it is. On a final note do social groups exsist for where players can meet up and just have a good chinwag and boast lol.


Thanks for reading



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Welcome Draco, main thing is try a few sites if you can, run with hire AEGs to start with, and get a feel for different weapons and loadouts . There are many different games from basic "capture the flag" to full on 24+ hour milsim games and everything in between; playing an online game is totally different to airsoft as Samurai said, for example generally if you get hit once you are out and need to respawn, though some games will allow medic rules, and as a newbie you will get shot a lot more times than you hit someone else, mainly because more experienced players will know the site better than you and they may well have much better set up guns. If you take the time to learn from others you will see the benefits in your own abilities. Sniping in airsoft is a whole skillset in itself, yes you can use a bolt action rifle by all means if its your thing but if you're attacking you will be at a disadvantage compared to an AEG until you have learned the stalking skills required to get the best from a sniper role, and also if it fires above 350FPS in most cases you will have a MED (Minimum Engagement Distance), generally around 30m, so you can't engage anyone nearer to you than that.

I suggest you just get some airsoft skirmishes under your belt, talk to more experienced players and learn how to play effectively, don't get disheartened if you get shot a lot, learn from it and you will quickly improve. Above all have FUN doing it!

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  On 19/07/2014 at 22:11, Samurai said:


Airsoft sniping is the opposite to the online games' sniping. Your gun won't shoot farther, won't "kill" in less shots, and an AS sniper is not the battlefield badass with lots of "frags". AS sniper is one of the least powerful guys out there, he must use extremely more brains to get successful. And success for a sniper includes: "gives fine recon" or "delays a few enemies somewhat" or "was unseen by a lot of guys". It needs a lot of experience to be a successful AS sniper, that should be gained by playing a lot with an AEG. If you start with a sniper weapon in 99% of the cases you 1: give up airsoft, 2: sell the gun (optionally after upgrading it with tons of money) and you buy an AEG.

If you do start with a bolt action gun be prepared, that on your first (two) games you won't hit anyone at all.


Hit nail on the head but when some masters it with a 500fps rifle there deadly and hard to find, in all my years airsofting i only seen one really epic sniper

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Samurai pretty much said what I would have said on sniping (i.e. Don't bother if it's your first gun) so I won't add much onto that. If you do decide to go for the sniper role then all credit to you, but it is the least beginner friendly role on the airsoft field apart from "Knife only" loadouts :D


Seriously in a 1v1 situation you will lose against practically any other weapon system (except knives) unless you get the drop on them due to a lower rate of fire and the fact that sniper rifles can be quite unwieldy as they're anywhere up to a metre long (sometimes bigger!). Additionally most sites have a minimum engagement distance that restricts how far away you have to be to use your sniper rifle so anyone within that will win a gun fight automatically unless you're very lucky and/or well concealed enough to draw your secondary first.


But welcome to the forum anyway. If you have any questions feel free to ask. There are plenty of guides on here and on other forums and it's worth getting a feel for the hobby before commiting yourself to a particular role :)


UKARA is a database that you can register with to prove to retailers that you are a valid skirmisher and therefore have a suitable enough reason to purchase realistic imitation firearms (i.e. painted in realistic colours like black, chrome, tan, olive drab, etc.) instead of an imitation firearm (painted with 51% of the gun in a bright/transparent colour) which is the only other option available. This is in accordance with the Violent Crimes Reduction Act to stop people buying realistic looking airsoft guns with the intent to commit crime (hence the name). I'm over simplifying it (obviously) but that's what the general gist is. UKARA is by no means the only defence available but it is the easiest to acquire.


Membership criteria:

- Be 18 or older.

- Have attended three or more skirmishes at a registered site in no less than 3 months - so you can't do all 3 "UKARA skirmishes" in less time to apply quicker.


It's better to do your registration skirmishes at the same site as they will have a record of when you were there. You then get them to sign/stamp your registration form and send it to a registered shop on the UKARA database to process it for you.

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Thanks so much guys for your input about the sniper role. As i understand that playing this role needs a lot of skill and concentration and lacking in the experience i will take your advice and get a feel for different roles first to get more of an understanding of what i'm comfortable with, as you all have said i may start off with an AEG gun and take it from there :)

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I've amended my first post with details on UKARA mate.


If you're unsure on whether to be a sniper then buy an mp5, mp7, skorpion vz61 or any other smaller sized smg platform that could easily be used as a secondary. Most airsoft rifles have near enough the same range so it's just aesthetics really, though obviously higher end brands will differ drastically from cheaper brands and longer barreled weapons will have an edge over shorter barreled ones.


If you need any help looking then give a shout on here or feel free to PM me or anyone really. We're a friendly group so most of us would be happy to help :)

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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