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my batteries don't hold charge can I get away with a game tomorrow?


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nimh3300mah 8.4v battery


Those are the type i have 2 both seem to lose charge


Can I get away with a days skirmishing or will they just die early on me

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Really depends on how much charge they are loosing. I personally don't tend to get through more than a few hundred rounds in a few hours so I can go a day on a lot less than that (lipo). But really depends how much of the 3300mah charge remains available and how much you shoot. The rule I have heard is about 1 mah per shot so 6600 mah worth of batteries for a day is quite a lot more than most people I see using. Only you know can estimate how much charge you think remains in those batteries and how much you shoot on a day.

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Right ok thank you can always tone it back a bit I'm estimating over half and its a more powerful battery apparantly than the gun requires an m4 so 2 batteries in theory is making a whole


Haven't really used them before so I have no real clue what there capable of

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Right well the battery isn't very good getting a new one for it due to itseems to lose a lot of charge

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NihM and NiCad batteries don't hold charge well if you leave them hanging around for weeks, but if you charge them fully a day or so before you intend to play then they should hold charge enough to allow you a whole days play with them. Lipo batteries are much better at holding charge when left disconnected. One of mine only lost about 10% over 5 months.

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If you have the right charger do a cycle charge on it although nihm batteries don't need to be discharged a cycle may help to bring the hold back. Also try a slower charge rate charge the battery on a lower Amp setting.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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