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Welcome to the forums :D


google 'airsoft map' (or search on here for it in one of the other new player threads, I would find you it myself but don't have time)

from there you can find a local site, and get yourself booked in.


If you can, play the 3 games in no less than 2 months and get access to ALL airsoft guns onthe market, rather than just the brightly coloured ones.


main weapon: depends on budget - Would recommend either a G36, AK or M16/4 varient

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  Rock-climby-Dave said:
Welcome to the forums :D


google 'airsoft map' (or search on here for it in one of the other new player threads, I would find you it myself but don't have time)

from there you can find a local site, and get yourself booked in.


If you can, play the 3 games in no less than 2 months and get access to ALL airsoft guns onthe market, rather than just the brightly coloured ones.


main weapon: depends on budget - Would recommend either a G36, AK or M16/4 varient

Thanks Dave, much appreciated, does anyone have any reccomendations for site. And if I join one am I tied to it?


I will certainly be wanting to play the 3 games I need a.s.a.f.p. and the rest ;)

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  bobbling said:
Hey everyone,


I'm from Cheshire, and just about to start on my airsofting adventures, if anyone could point me in the right direction?




best tip mate is dont take it too seriously and think your a real soldier like some people because tbh you look like a complete knob if you do.. just have fun :) and welcome lol

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  Team Hatchet-Mags said:
best tip mate is dont take it too seriously and think your a real soldier like some people because tbh you look like a complete knob if you do.. just have fun :) and welcome lol

Cheers Hatchet, thanks for the welcome.


I'm just worried that when I do choose a site, it will all be a bit cliquey and I'll get funny looks cos I've got the wrong camo or somethin?


I'm only doin it for my own amusement really, and I'll get a bit of fresh air and some exercise.

But wouldn't mind making a few mates in the process of shooting at each other :P

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  Rock-climby-Dave said:
you won't have the wrong camo, it's always just preference on what people use. (obviously, don't use ACU - you look like a snowman in a wood)

I use standard soldier95, as do most other people, because it is cheap and effective, due to it being designed for woodland like the UK has

Well my plan was to go for good old soldier 95 gear and spend leftover funds on a good gun, but thanks for reassuring me.

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