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Celcius PTW tier packages

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hello everybody I just picked up a copy of AI and had a flick through and found a company called specialist tactical training solutions offering package deals on celcius guns! what are peoples views on the celcius stuff as I have had a systema in mind for a while now is a celcius in this package form a viable alternative? I have included a link to the packages.



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Various electrical issues and gear breakages- though I think the gears are sorted now. CTWs have never been reliable stock- most people who buy them end up swapping internals for upgrades or PTW parts

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What's so good about PTWs anyway may I ask? Internally they don't sound like they're anything amazing or innovative, and most other airsoft guns seem just as realistic both functionally and looks. They are just more expensive - I've just suddenly seen a lot of people talking about them recently.

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For the price you pay for a PTW,it's a rip off. So many problems to fix. Motor height cannot be adjusted without mods so lots of screech. Hop up by is diabolically shit. Gearbox basically needs to be re-assembled. Lots of issues,and that's with a systema. CTWs are even worse reliability wise. FCC PTWs are not great quality either,but better than systema and celcius but they cost a gob smacking 2000$.


For the price of a good PTW you can get a Marui Nextgen and upgrade the balls out of it with Prometheus parts gearbox and external wise,for it to survive harder recoil. A Big Out Trigger computer will greatly increase response. PDi Barrel for extra accuracy. Lots of better options for your money than a PTW.

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