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Forum meet up march 7/8/9th catterick

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Morning everybody! Does anybody fancy turning this event into.a xhance for a forum meet up? Its a stirling airsoft event so should be a good one!

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I'm hoping to make it back to GZ, it was fun last time.

Definitely a good place to unearth the high caps.

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I already have all my annual leave booked for the 1st half of the year :(


You could however see if any slots are opening up for Operation Shining light in May. Theres several of us going to that already, and as it has just moved venue, there may be cancellations.

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Yeah, I wanted to do something a bit sooner than Shining Light but I've been so wrapped up in bellends for doctors and their mad scientist experiments on me that I haven't actually done any research. It's going to be as much about cash and loadout restrictions for me as it is about time, as the only thing I can't shift around or cancel is medical appointments, because doing that extends the timetable of any given mentalism they've been testing and that's not the plan at all. But they're never on weekends, so timewise it's all good.


Point of forum etiquette: when you start a thread about an event, product, or news story, it's polite to at least provide a link, if not a pic and/or a quote from the blurb, because it saves people having to google it themselves. I mean, when someone comes round to yours, you don't ask if they'd like a brew and, if they say yes, hand them an empty cup and say, "you know where the kitchen is," do you?


OPERATION SAMALA - CATTERICK MARCH 8-9 2014 <=Clickety click


Now that I think about it, assuming that I'm fit and cashed up, I'll be at Rift on the 9th for a SOFSIM that somebody on here, whose name but not avatar escape me right now (Secret Squirrel patch), is putting on.


Edit: it's Baz, fucking Baz JJ. How could I forget that!?!





Stupid fucking neuro-drugs, that's how!

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