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Balderstone School/First and Only?

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Was there no aggressive use of the word "twat" in the safety brief that made you feel like if you accidentally did something wrong they'd rape you so hard your kids would feel it?

'Cos that's the impression I got, and I've seen it happen to people as well.

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Honestly? nothing I can remember or nothing that stood out to me


All the marshals including Felix & Treebeard were very welcoming, discussed upgrades / rifles or just 'shot the shit' - especially the player marshalls

During the safety brief if players weren't listening they just go quiet until we pay attention


In fact, they ran out of chocolate bars and instead of saying no sorry, they went up the local shop for us and brought them back


It's possible that The Embassy is maybe the only decent F&O site OR maybe I've just had a lucky / honeymoon period - only time will tell

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So I've been to a number of F&O sites over the past 5 or so years, had no issues at Hey Wood, Otley or the Embassy, in fact the Marshals there are (were in the case of Hey Wood) great. But, I've come across Jamie before, and whilst I've had no issues with him (or his staff) personally, i can see why people may have issues. Personally, i always thought they were a bit.. . tribal/closed ranks/'look down my nose at you'

Also, that's complete... ahem... 'bull-excrement' about kit. Until they bring out enforced ruled about how much/how little kit people can wear, wear what you damn well please.

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I wish you'd been there, Ian.


Watching you verbally annihilate them would have literally made my year.


They'd still have banned you and everyone who cheered though.

As you say though, f2f is a different story, especially with enough pain meds to kill the opposition on board :wacko:


Feel free to use me as air support though - if you sense a banning rolling towards you and want to go out watching some cluster munitions go off, give me a call and put me on speaker. If you get me at an inopportune moment the results will be even better because I'll be grumpy as well and I can always apologise to you later for the collateral damage... :lol:

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