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Systema ptw or anything better??

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Hello everybody. Having recently completed a custom build I am now in the market for another project. So My question....... Is the m4/ ar style systema ptw really the best base gun to build on or is there anything else on the market I should consider??? Joe.

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If you're a dab hand at DIY mods and fitting high spec parts, then you can make your average M4 shoot as well as a Systema, probably a lot better in fact.

There's a tech I know on Facebook that modded a VFC 416 to fire at close to 70 rounds per second, using dual sector gears, a high tech electronic control unit and a 500fps spring, short stroked to give just under 300fps at the muzzle on a .2

The trigger only had 5mm of travel, and the gun cycled so quickly on semi auto that the shot would be out of the gun before the trigger had even been fully pulled.

The thing is a work of art.

He quoted £2k to build a rifle to the same spec in case anyone was interested, which is more than a PTW, but his build will be better and probably last longer as well.

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I am due to drop my classic aemy m15a4 into a workshop tomorrow for a high spec internal build I have basically given the builder freedom to do as he pleases I dont have 2k to spend but ive got my fingers crossed £500 should get me going in the right direction for just internals!

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I had £300 in mind for just the gearbox for my DMR.

But that was before I realised P*s were available in the UK...

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I haven't got a clue what he will suggest yet until I drop it off tomorrow im hoping for a dramatic change as it is standard internally apart from a 110 spring and steel tooth piston.

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Fuck's sake, I'll do it for £450!

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Rebuild your gearbox with bomb proof parts.


Up your trigger response time to about as good as it can get without using such lightweight parts that they require constant maintenance and/or early replacement.


Keep your ROF at a sensible amount for use with midcaps, or if you prefer we could go with a tad silly vs medium life expectancy.


However I'm not prepared to aim for totally mental ROF because I know that something would give up the ghost sooner rather than later and you would then be left wondering if the reason is just that I'm a bellend and, people being people, if you ask somebody else to check a busted custom gun, there will be things done differently to how the new tech does them and they will criticise, even though there are always more ways than one to skin a cat, so, unless you understand the rationale behind the way everything is set up, you'll have nothing but somebody else's biased opinion to go on - but then if you did understand why for eg there was a kink put in a tiny spring, or a longer than stock bolt with a seemingly pointless nut on the end, you'd be doing the build yourself, eh?


Improve your accuracy partly by reducing the diameter of the BB's potential exit cone at the muzzle and partly by increased consistency of FPS.


Increase your range.

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Where are you based? to be honest the rate of fire is about where I like it. Its on a 11.1lipo with a eg3000 motor so its pretty good! My problems begin with trigger response, accuracy and range at present im getting about 40meters with a rather bad vere to the right from around 20 meters!

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I'm in Nottingham, mate.


TBH my space is entirely private. I don't care if people think it's weird, I only have very close friends over to mine. If you do want me to work on your gun, you'll have to post it.


Your problems with range and accuracy are hop and/or barrel related. M4's are not my bag, but there are basic principles all 'window-barrel' airsoft guns share. In this case its very probably how the hop has been reassembled and the rubber may be worn out, shit, the wrong type, or any combination of the three.


Unrelated to ^ what gears are you running to get your satisfactory ROF?


Edit: oh yeah, and what connectors, wiring and MOSFET are you using?

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I belive they are standard classic army gears! its wired to the rear using mini tamiya no mosfet and the wire is just maplin stuff

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Well yeah, there's plenty of room for improvement there then. If you really want to drop £450/500 on it to sort out trigger response, range and accuracy I'd go with:


- rewiring to Deans

- silver plated low res wiring

- silver solder

- MOSFET (I've just fired off an email to check a detail on one which would be perfect)

- new shiny hop unit

- CNC steel nub

- Prometheus Purple rubber

- 6.03mm TBB

- Dual O-Ring piston head (1)

- possibly a new cylinder (2)

- probably need a new spring (3)

- and for that money we may as well pop a new nozzle in there as well (4)

(1-4 to tune FPS consistently to either 345 or 365 FPS)


May as well swap your gears, cutoff lever, etc for better quality ones and fettle up a bomb proof piston while the box is open to mod for the MOSFET, because something/s of the stock bits will break soon running at that speed. You said you're happy with the ROF, but TBH unless there's something weird slowing it down, i'm sure that I'd class whatever you're getting from a High Cycle motor running at 12+V (because good batteries are always hot until they're run down a fair bit) as "a bit silly" and it will wear bits out faster than they would at an entirely skirmishable 800-1000 or even 1200rpm (20/s). The MOSFET I have in mind will allow lightning fast trigger response and sensible ROF. If it was up to me, I'd tune for 600rpm, but hey, it's your gun: if silly is your bag, we can go for it. There's a definable difference between silly and mental. Just don't come running to me with your two broken legs...


i favour SHS/Super Shooter GB parts, but recently i've been offered Lonex bits and bobs on favourable terms in exchange for reviewing them, so, based on the fact that Air Lab love them so they can't be shit, I'd have no problem fitting them to somebody else's gun, because the electronics i have in mind are far from simple so there would be a fair bit of fiddling about with it after the parts are assembled to tune it, so i'd have enough experience to write a truthful review.

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