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Changing batteries + 9.2V in stock gun?

Airsoft_Mr B
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Hi, at the moment with my Cybergun M4 I only have the standard included battery, which we all know are usually not very good.

After using for the gun a bit I've decided that I don't really like crane stocks either and would like to buy a CTR stock instead.


I was looking at a 8.4V 1600mAh (stick type battery) which I thought would go in the stock, and also give me an extra 500mAh of charge - but it won't fit.


If I bought a 9.2V / 9.6V battery which I think I would like to try but with the increase in rate of fire would it be recommended I upgraded my gun a bit first? I know that if you are upgrading to a high speed build and using 11.1V LiPos etc then it is advisable but I was wondering if it is okay to use 9.2 with standard internals?


I don't know what kind of ROF increase I should expect as the increase isn't massive, but I've heard the internals are pretty good. Unfortunately as you may know from some previous posts I'm not too knowledgeable on internals. Although I find it very interesting and it's actually something I enjoy I'm not very good with anything mechanical / electrical really.





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9.2V? Are you sure? NiMh cells are 1.2V each: 2.4, 3.6, 4.8, 6, 7.2, 8.4, 9.6, 10.8, 12V...


Cyberguns are rebrands, usually CYMA, but I dunno about their M4's.


If they are CYMA then you should have no problem with a 9.6V battery b/c the gearbox is designed for a spring somewhere between M120 and M130 and yours will have been downgraded to an M100 which puts a lot less pressure on the whole system thus you can run it faster without any problems.


If you do go for a 7.2V LiPo you will need a balancing charger as well. You may not notice much, if any, improvement over a good make of 9.6V NiMh (such as Vapex VP), unless you get one with a higher "C" rating than is generally classed as an airsoft LiPo by retailers - they are usually 15 or 20C - what you want is a minimum 25C or the Turnigy Nano Tech 25C constant 50C burst and also fit a MOSFET (not a plug'n'play one either b/c whatever they say, the power still has to run through the trigger switch with those which is a point of relatively high resistance) - you want the type with a 3rd control wire which requires rewiring and soldering the trigger switch - I can heartily recommend Gate Pico SSR MOSFET's but there's also a new Pico SSR 2 which is probably better.

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Thanks, definitely will give that another read when it come to purchase one then. I read some of your other articles too and they are really interesting :)

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