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Airsoft Weapons stolen from Garage by Burgler

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A man appeared in court earlier today in connection with a haul of imitation guns stolen from a Middlesbrough house.

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These are the guns that Oshia posted about in the 'General' section. You'd probably have been best posting that link there, but he'll sure as hell be happy to see this. At least those scumbags have been found!

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Found yeah, but now he's banged up there's very little chance of a few quid getting the bloody guns back. And fair enough, that's not an ideal solution to crime/theft in general, but when it's your guns and the choice is between shelling out a good drink and taking it as the cost of a lesson and knowing one bloke may get a few years, one kid will get some community sentence he'll probably ignore, but your guns will never be seen again...


You get me, lads...? We live in hope, but we deal in reality.

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well if hes convicted of the theft then he will have to pay compensation in the amount of what he stole and damages. but if hes broke then it will take a long time. does home insurance not cover it?? lol

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^^He won't have to pay anything unless someone sues him in civil court.


But yeah, you hit the nail on the head, no fixed abode - he's got fuck all and you can't get blood out of a fuck all. If he gets jail, once he's out, he's gone / if he get's some kind of residential treatment & probation instead, he's either in the system for years or he's gone in 6 months - either way he'll be coughing up fuck all to anyone in compensation, no matter what a civil judgement may say.


This morning's depressing truth is... we're still on the look out my friends, because unless one or more of us thinks unselfishly when/if they are offered for sale, that's it. Shame too, it was a nice collection :(

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At least the guy was caught before any serious damage was caused with the guns, It would be a terrible shame if the guns don't return, and i feel sympathy for the owner of them, but it could of been a whole lot worse.

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I too know what its like to have guns stolen, the bastard only got two of mine, but they were two of my favourites, and I have never come close to finding another Ithica again.


He got away clean too, police probably closed the case the same day they opened it, even though we told them it was more than likely my gf (at the time) ex bf, since everything he took was either something he liked, or something new I had brought to the house.


They told us they couldn't go see him, but if we wanted to go to his house and we found our stuff there, we could give them a call, that is after we actually woke the policeman up from his snooze on the front desk.


Ten years later and it still annoys me when I think about it.

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At least the guy was caught before any serious damage was caused with the guns,

How do you work that out? Who knows where they are now, with whom, stashed where, in what conditions, being fiddled with by what degree of dick head, etc...? For all we know someone could have decided that the old bill were way too close, that it was all on top, and chucked 'em in the Tyne.

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How do you work that out? Who knows where they are now, with whom, stashed where, in what conditions, being fiddled with by what degree of dick head, etc...? For all we know someone could have decided that the old bill were way too close, that it was all on top, and chucked 'em in the Tyne.

Tees if any.

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well if hes convicted of the theft then he will have to pay compensation in the amount of what he stole and damages. but if hes broke then it will take a long time. does home insurance not cover it?? lol

£1 a week is standard these days if you plead poverty..asbo.adhd,etc,etc

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£1 a week is standard these days if you plead poverty..asbo.adhd,etc,etc

Wow, that's some rich n'er-do-wells you know there, mate. Pound a month, more like it.

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