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Pistol Holster Query

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Hi all,


I bought a marui 5-7 from zero-one (but didn't realize they are closed until the 2nd!). I also bought a rail mounted torch/laser module for it. My query is, does anyone know about any holster that is big enough to contain the pistol with the torch/laser mounted? I don't mind if its a molle type that I can attach to my vest or a leg/thigh holster.



Laser/Torch = http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/M6-STYLE-FLASHLIGHT-WITH-RED-LASER-COMBI-AIRSOFT-LASER-BLACK-/111177570138
That style


Thanks in advance,




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Could just get a standard holster and something to holster the torch for when you're not using it.


US site but you can find it around


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Try a black hawk holster as they are universal and adjustable on the velcro straps,

Mine never gave me an issue with a P226 and that was a real steel one

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