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Scar suggestions

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Hi all,


After xmas I will be purchasing a new aeg and I wanted to get a scar. Price must not exceed £350...although I could stretch to £400+ in order to get the quality that I desire; would just mean I would postpone buying it for a few more weeks.


My question is; which one would be best for me? My criteria is pretty much that it must be strictly under 350 fps, ideally closer to 330; it must not have cheap, tinny metal that feels like it will snap; must have a good range. ROF isn't all that important to me as I tend to use semi. I would at some point look to add an under-barrel launcher but that will come some months later. Would prefer the black finish but dark earth/tan would be OK too.


One other thing; I would love a SCAR-H but I am perfectly content with any of the SCAR-L variants and the cqb variants, although I would prefer a longer model.


Thanks again,




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Check out the new WE SCAR AEG's recently come out.


The basic WE M4 AEG's are solid guns based on TM's V2 gearbox, and with solid externals, and extremely good M4 for the money by anyone's standards. The Katana system could've been a game changer but unfortunately they still haven't ironed out all the bugs.


The WE SCAR uses a modified v2 gearbox (to allow for the ambidextrous safety and other differences between the SCAR and M4) however they seem to have copied the VFC externals, which everyone can agree are par excellance, without the cheese that is the VFC gearboxes.



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I have the VFC Scar L MK16 CQC and it's fantastic. Barrel isn't too long for CQB and the AEG is big enough for woodland etc brilliant and the build quality is amazeballs lol.

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Thanks for the input guys.

2 questions:

Where/when is the WE SCAR available?

And if I went for the VFC, where would be the best/cheapest place to buy?


Thanks again,



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I believe both https://www.facebook.com/pages/Blackveil-Airsoft/439798889422022 and http://eliteairsoftuk.com/xcart/home.php actually have them on the way, if you talk to Philthatblokewiththescar from blackveil he should be able to give you a better time estimate and price estimate.

Maybe talk to milspecsolutions as they are a WE distributor.

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I'd go for VFC, the externals are great on them and they shoot well too. Though the H mags aren't brilliant- better off with the L.

I personally wouldn't go for the WE, it's not even over here yet so who knows how it'll last etc. WE guns are getting good these days but I wouldn't buy the first version of a new gun from them, especially seeing as some of their aegs had quite a few issues. The full length DMR one though is very good looking.


VFC/G&G/CA are all good bets, the WE may well be too but too early to say.

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Having read your suggestions and some stuff on t'interwebs; I've decided on the VFC. Not sure yet on which variant although the 'L' is currently winning due to it's Stanag compatibility.


Only one question remains; where is the best place to get one? I've tried the likes of airsoft world and JD but they don't stock them. A quick google search has mostly only led me to American/Asian websites and I really don't want to import again.


Thanks again,



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